Holman Library Website

Request Library Instruction

Request Library Instruction

Faculty can request instruction for their classes. Librarians will create tailored, "point of need" instruction for face to face and online classes. To enable us to prepare, please provide:

  • A minimum of one week’s notice to schedule instruction
  • A copy of your assignment at least one week in advance.

To request instruction, please either:

  • Contact your subject librarian (list below) OR
  • Fill out the instruction request form (link under this text)

Instruction Liaison Librarians by Division

Division Department Liaison Librarian
Business and Law All

Jody Segal, ext. 6488

Continuing & Community Ed. All Jody Segal, ext. 6488
English All Jody Segal, ext. 6488
Fine Arts All Amanda Chinext. 6481
Health Sciences, Wellness, & Education All Jennifer Rohan, ext. 6487
Humanities All Jennifer Rohan, ext. 6487
Intensive English Program (IEP) All Amanda Chin, ext. 6481
Mathematics All Amanda Chin, ext. 6481
Science All Jody Segal, ext. 6488
Social Science All Jennifer Rohan, ext. 6487
Technology All (except Nursing) Amanda Chinext. 6481
  Aviation Amanda Chin, ext 6481
  Nursing Jennifer Rohan, ext. 6487
Trades All Jody Segal, ext. 6488
College and Career Planning Transitional Studies (TS) Amanda Chin, ext. 6481
  English Language Learning (ELL) Jennifer Rohan, ext. 6487

Library Instruction

Library instruction works best when:

  • Students have an assignment that requires them to use research or library resources.

  • The librarian and instructor are collaborators and have discussed ahead of time the assignment, topics or themes, where students are in the process, outcomes and other key info. If you would like, librarians are happy to help you plan a research assignment.

  • Students know the assignment before they come to the library.

  • Students are graded or accountable in some way for participating in the library class.