Student Technology and Logins

GRC Logins, Technology Support Desks, On-Campus Technology (computer labs, printing...etc.), Remote Technology (OneDrive, Zoom..etc.), Software Programs, Library Account

Off-Campus Database Access

When you are on-campus, you do not need to log on to library databases.  Off-campus, you do; follow these steps:

Step 1: Select a database

Step 2: Click "LOGIN HERE" in the 'Current Student and Employee Login' column (left):

(click on image to enlarge)

Holman Library off-campus database login screen

Step 3: Log in with your GRC email address and email password:

(click on image to enlarge)

Off campus database login screen

Using One Search on the main library page? Your search results may contain both print and electronic sources (ebook/streaming video/articles from databases).

(click on image to enlarge)

One Search box

To access electronic sources off campus, click "View Online" and follow the steps above to open the article, video or ebook.

(click on image to enlarge)

View Online link from One Search

Related Pages

grc email address?

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Get help in-person or online with any technical question or problem: