Student Technology and Logins

GRC Logins, Technology Support Desks, On-Campus Technology (computer labs, printing...etc.), Remote Technology (OneDrive, Zoom..etc.), Software Programs, Library Account

Tech Help Desks

Student Technology Help Desk

Get assistance with any tech question or problem in-person at the Holman Library and Tech Center Computer Lab or online through a Zoom Lobby.

Student Help Desk worker Luke beneath the Information Center sign on the Holman Library Second Floor

Get assistance with any tech question or problem in-person at the Holman Library or online via 24-hour chat

PC Repair Shop

Faculty Advisor Spunky Robinson beneath the TC 105 PC Repair Shop signt

Does your laptop, Macbook or desktop computer need fixing? Need to recover lost
data or deal with malware? Want software or hardware installed? Need a computer built from scratch? …but don’t want to spend a fortune?

Reach out to the GRC PC Repair Shop and get help FOR FREE (no labor cost!)
✓ location: TC 105 (hours posted on door each quarter)
✓ contact: | 253-931-6579
✓ serves: students, staff and even non-GRC community members

The IT techs will research your problem, give you links to buy any needed
hardware/software, but will do all the installation and labor for free (however, the
Shop is funded by donations, so any money toward keeping this valuable service
going is much appreciated!)

The Shop was founded in 2011 by IT faculty member Spunky Robinson, is overseen
by him, and is staffed by IT students who are CompTIA A+ certified or have passed IT 114 (and if
you are interested in working in the Shop, please inquire at the contact info above)


GRC IT Help Desk for Faculty and Staff


Click for employee tech support:

Related Pages

Get Help with Technology

Get help in-person or online with any technical question or problem: