Student Technology and Logins

GRC Logins, Technology Support Desks, On-Campus Technology (computer labs, printing...etc.), Remote Technology (OneDrive, Zoom..etc.), Software Programs, Library Account

Microsoft Office Download

Download your free copy of Office 365 (now Microsoft 365)

Step 1: Log into your Green River student email account from the GRC website

Step 2: Once you are logged into your email account, click on the image of the squares in the upper left-hand corner:

(click on image to enlarge)

arrow pointing to squares in the upper left-hand corner of MS Outlook

Step 3: From here, click on the words “Microsoft 365” that appears at the top of the pop-out menu:

(click on image to enlarge)

arrow pointing to Microsoft 365 link

Step 4: Now you will see the option to “Install apps” (see below) over to the right-hand side of the screen. Click and choose the Microsoft 365 apps option The link to download MS Office will be available to you during each quarter that you are actively enrolled at GRC

(click on image to enlarge)

arrows to install apps drop down menus and Microsoft 365 apps


Determine Length of Your Access to Microsoft Office

How Long Can You Keep the Downloaded Microsoft Office?

The link to download Microsoft Office will be available to you during each quarter that you are actively enrolled at GRC.

Shortly after the beginning of each Fall Quarter the system updates. How does this affect you?

  • If you are currently enrolled at GRC then no action is necessary. Your Microsoft Office and OneDrive will continue to work for another year.
  • If you are not currently enrolled at GRC, your MS Office license will be downgraded and Microsoft will notify you that you have a 30 day grace period of read-only access to your OneDrive during which you can either copy your content (documents) somewhere else or purchase your own MS Office/OneDrive license to be able to edit your content again.
    • If you start attending a class at GRC within that 30 day grace period, then within a couple of days of registering at GRC, your license will be automatically renewed and the warning should go away until the next Fall quarter.
    • If you are not enrolled and do not purchase your own license within that 30 day grace period, then:
      • You will only have access to your GRC student email inbox
      • You will lose access to all other Microsoft services (Word, Excel, OneDrive, SharePoint, Stream, Sway, Planner, etc.) previously accessed through your GRC student email account and Microsoft will delete all of the files stored in your GRC student account’s OneDrive.
      • If you did not purchase your own license, but enroll at GRC after the 30 day grace period, your OneDrive content will have been deleted, but you will again have the option to download and re-install MS Office for free from the link in your student GRC email account.

If you have questions, please contact a GRC Librarian

Download MIcrosoft Office Lens

Do you have a physical document that you'd like to copy, print or upload?

You can use Microsoft Office Lens to transform handwritten notes, forms, handouts etc.. into digital, editable files.

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