This guide will help you analyze, interpret, and contextualize literary and other Humanities texts from the arts, philosophy, pop culture, and religion, and enter into informed conversation with others who have written on that same text or topic
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Image Source: The American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Humanities in American Life: Insights from a 2019 Survey of the Public’s Attitudes & Engagement
NOTE: Check to see if there is a research guide for your specific class section of English 126.
ALSO NOTE: You may find it more useful to start your research from one of the related guides on Pop Culture, Film, Drama, Graphic Novels, and more.
Image Source:
Note: This guide was last updated by JS in November 2020. If you see errors, have questions, or suggestions for improvement, let us know by using the contact information on the "Get Help" page of this guide!
Check to see if there is a research guide for your specific class section of English 126.
You may find it more useful to start your research from one of the related guides below on Pop Culture, Film, Drama, Graphic Novels, and more.
Please check to see if there is a research guide for your specific English class.