ENGL 126 Research Writing: Humanities

This research guide is to help students enrolled in English 126 - writing in the humanities.

Find Literary Works in Holman Library Collections

Search Strategies:

  1. Strategy One

  • Start with an author you like or read about. Search by author name. and change the search field to author/creator.

(click on image to enlarge)

search by author

  1. Strategy Two
  • Alternatively, start with a story or poem you liked and look for other stories in that collection. To do so, search for the original work it was published in. If you're not sure what the larger work is, try a web search for the title. 


  1. StrategyThree:
  • Browse by theme to find the names of authors you can then search. For example, search "Black authors" or "Jewish American authors" or another group of authors. Then look for names you can explore. This strategy will return books BY and ABOUT authors, so you'll need to explore.

  1. Strategy Four
  • Try a broad search of any of these, or something similar: fiction anthology, poetry anthology, drama anthology. This will turn up lots of stuff, including some collections of literature. It's interesting to see the range of literary collections, including contemporary Arab American fiction and science fiction.

(click on image to enlarge)

Browse by general keywords

  1. Strategy Five:
  • Mix and match key words. For example: Asian American authors AND anthology

asian american authors AND anthology

  1. Strategy Six:
  • Look for Subject Terms that describe your focus and use them to find works on that subject. 
    • You can find subject terms by doing a search and then using the filters menu to look at suggested Subjects. 
    • You can also find some useful Subject Terms by clicking on the title of a book that looks relevant, and scrolling down the page of info about the book to look for Subject Terms.  
    • I found the subject terms below when I did a search of: fiction anthology. I found quite a few collections of literature. I clicked on the title of Dinarzad's Children: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Fiction and I found some useful subject terms. 
      • If I click on a Subject Term, it opens a new tab with books we have on that subject

(click on images to enlarge)

First three results of search of fiction anthology

Subject Terms for An Anthology of Arab American Fiction

Sample Subjects

There are many, many useful subjects! These just give a sense of what they look like.

Literary Works in Gale Literature

While Gale Literature is primarily a literary criticism database, it includes some literary works by authors. 

To check, type in your author's name (last name, first works best) and limit to primary sources and literary works. At document type, select poem or short story or other genre. 

You can also browse these lists for sources:

Find Literary Works Online

Find Literary Works Online

  • Search for Author Websites online
  • Browse for Literary and Cultural Magazines
  • Search for Award Websites
  • Search for Lists online
A Selection of Online Sources

Be sure to look for more!


Select Literary & Cultural Magazines

Reading Lists Online

The Web is a good place to find recommended reading lists! 

The link below is to just one list, with links to short stories:

Literary Works in the Public Domain