ENGL 126 Research Writing: Humanities

This research guide is to help students enrolled in English 126 - writing in the humanities.

Track the Scholarly Conversation with Citations

Tracking Down a Citation

Advanced Researchers use many different strategies to track down resources on a subject. Try the following:

  • Search by critic/scholar name to see what else that person has written - hopefully on your subject.
  • In ProQuest and Academic Search Complete, once you open an article record by clicking on the title, the author's name is a keyword link to all that person's works indexed in our collections. (WorldCat would offer a more comprehensive overview).

(click on image to enlarge)

image of a result, point out the author

  • You may also just search the author's name. Change the Search Field to AU Author.
  • ProQuest and Academic Search Complete also link directly to article References. In ProQuest you can use Cited by to see who cited the article. 
  • Read closely through the Works Cited at the end of a helpful  source and use the library One Search to see if we carry works that sound relevant.
    • Paste or type in the work title. For long titles, try just the opening.

Find and Borrow Articles & Books from Other Libraries

Search for an item in libraries near you:

  1. Use the search box to find books in libraries across the United States.
  2. If you find an article or book not available through GRC, keep the record open in WorldCat.
  3. Open a new window with the Interlibrary Loan form (use the link below) to please a request. 
  4. Articles will be emailed directly to you if you use your email address as your contact info. Books may be picked up from and returned to Holman Library. Note that the process of borrowing books may take 1-2 weeks.