For sustained and deeper literary criticism, find relevant scholarly articles and books in library databases.
Literary criticism is analysis, interpretation and evaluation of authors and their works of literature, which can include novels, short stories, essays, plays and poetry.
Literary "criticism" is not necessarily negative; "criticism" means a thoughtful critique of an author's work or an author's style in order to better understand the meaning, symbolism or influences of a particular piece or a body of literature.
Literary criticism is written for an academic audience.
Introductory articles, such as the Topic Overviews found in the database, Gale Literature, are written for students.
Scholarly literary criticism is generally found in scholarly literary journals, such as Critique or The Journal of Ethnic Fiction, as well as in academic books. A scholarly journal is peer-reviewed if articles that are published in it go through a rigorous review process by other experts in the field.
Book reviews are written for the general public, and they may be a good source of introductory analysis, as well. Local newspapers, such as the Seattle Times, and magazines, such as Entertainment Weekly or O, contain book reviews.
Scholarly literary criticism offers an original interpretation of a literary text, and engages with that written work in a thoughtful, sophisticated and sustained manner. While literary criticism from a reference book provides you with introductory terminology, context, interpretation and more, scholarly criticism goes deeper.
Scholarly literary criticism analyzes and builds on specific passages, characters, themes, language, etc. from a written work.
Scholarly literary criticism brings the critic's particular theoretical framework, biases, questions, etc to bear upon the text.
Articles are written by scholars in a subject area for an academic or professional audience. Check for author affiliations or credentials in the database record or at the beginning or end of an article.
Scholarly literary criticism may be extensively cited, if the author references the work of other thinkers. Some scholarly literary criticism engages primarily and closely with the text itself, rather than with other the ideas of other scholars. (Scholarly articles in the sciences and social sciences are, as a rule, extensively and thoroughly cited.)
There is no one correct scholarly reading of a text. That said, be sure to build your own analysis with examples and support from the written work you're analyzing as well as the scholarly article with which you are "conversing."
The databases below all contain scholarly literary criticism. If an option, limit to scholarly peer-reviewed journals.
See the image below for more details.
The image below shows a search for the following terms: Identity AND "A Room of One's Own"
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You can limit your One Search to scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles. Just select Peer Reviewed Journals from the results page.
The Explicator provides brief, pee-reviewed, close Readings of texts
A scholarly book will:
NOTE: While you can limit a search for articles to scholarly (peer reviewed) journals, you cannot do the same with books. Use the list above to assess if a book is scholarly. That's particularly easy to do with ebooks
Holman Library has books on authors, literary movements, themes in literature, and more. Search for essay collections, as well as for works on a specific author, work of literature, or idea.
To find scholarly criticism, try adding the keyword: criticism or the subject term: literary criticism.
As always, try a range of search terms to find the best results for your purpose.
Here is a scholarly electronic book found in the Holman Library catalog with the search terms:
"Langston Hughes" AND criticism
Clues this is a scholarly work: This is an edited work by an academic press. The Subject is: Criticism and Interpretation. It includes a bibliography.
(click on image to enlarge)
Clues this is a scholarly work: The author(s) has academic credentials.
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When you do research on current authors and works, sometimes there has not yet been a lot written about them. That's okay!
Scholarship represents your original thinking about a text or theme in literature. As part of your analysis you can integrate relevant sources, even if they are not about your specific text. Think about:
(click on image to enlarge)
Example: The highlighted sections of this article abstract (I would then read the whole article) might support an analysis of another novel or short story that explores how women navigate different spaces of religion, nation, and identity by claiming the veil as a symbol that simultaneously excludes them and allows them to define a new space.
"literary analysis" OR "literary criticism" OR "criticism AND interpretation"