Find Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses of Quantitative Studies
Use the linked tools in the key databases box on this page and employ some of these search strategies:
1. FIRST, use the PICO acronym to construct the basics of your question and identify key search words. Add those words to a database.
2. THEN, try adding the different strategies below to your key search words
(these will help narrow your results, but you still need to look at individual articles/abstracts and assess if they are systematic reviews or meta-analyses
- option - copy and paste the following text string into one search box:
"systematic review*" OR "meta-analysis" OR "meta analysis"
- option- in the search box type: systematic review and then choose "subject" from drop-down menu. In the "OR" search box type: meta-analysis and then choose "subject" from the drop-down menu
- option - after you search, click both Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis under the "article type" filter in the left-hand column
- option - FIRST, add your specific topic words to the query box. Then copy and paste this text string into the search box and choose "add with AND"
"systematic"[filter] OR "meta-analysis"[pt] OR "meta-analysis as topic"[mh] OR "meta analy*"[tw] OR metanaly*[tw] OR metaanaly*[tw] OR "met analy*"[tw] OR "integrative research"[tiab] OR "integrative review*"[tiab] OR "integrative overview*"[tiab] OR "research integration*"[tiab] OR "research overview*"[tiab] OR "collaborative review*"[tiab] OR "collaborative overview*"[tiab] OR "systematic review"[pt] OR "systematic reviews as topic"[mh] OR "systematic review*"[tiab] OR "technology assessment*"[tiab] OR "technology overview*"[tiab] OR "technology appraisal*"[tiab] OR "Technology Assessment, Biomedical"[mh] OR HTA[tiab] OR HTAs[tiab] OR "comparative efficacy"[tiab] OR "comparative effectiveness"[tiab] OR "outcomes research"[tiab] OR "indirect comparison*"[tiab] OR "Bayesian comparison"[tiab] OR (("indirect treatment"[tiab] OR "mixed-treatment"[tiab]) AND comparison*[tiab]) OR Embase*[tiab] OR Cinahl*[tiab] OR "systematic overview*"[tiab] OR "methodological overview*"[tiab] OR "methodologic overview*"[tiab] OR "methodological review*"[tiab] OR "methodologic review*"[tiab] OR "quantitative review*"[tiab] OR "quantitative overview*"[tiab] OR "quantitative synthes*"[tiab] OR "pooled analy*"[tiab] OR Cochrane[tiab] OR Medline[tiab] OR Pubmed[tiab] OR Medlars[tiab] OR handsearch*[tiab] OR "hand search*"[tiab] OR "meta-regression*"[tiab] OR metaregression*[tiab] OR "data synthes*"[tiab] OR "data extraction"[tiab] OR "data abstraction*"[tiab] OR "mantel haenszel"[tiab] OR peto[tiab] OR "der-simonian"[tiab] OR dersimonian[tiab] OR "fixed effect*"[tiab] OR "multiple treatment comparison"[tiab] OR "mixed treatment meta-analys*"[tiab] OR "umbrella review*"[tiab] OR (("multiple paramet*"[tiab]) AND ("evidence synthesis"[tiab])) OR (("multi-paramet*"[tiab]) AND ("evidence synthesis"[tiab])) OR ((multiparameter*[tiab]) AND ("evidence synthesis"[tiab])) OR "Cochrane Database Syst Rev"[Journal] OR "health technology assessment winchester, england"[Journal] OR "Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep)"[Journal] OR "Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ)"[Journal] OR "Int J Technol Assess Health Care"[Journal] OR "GMS Health Technol Assess"[Journal] OR "Health Technol Assess (Rockv)"[Journal] OR "Health Technol Assess Rep"[Journal]
- option - use this limiter if you want to make sure you capture more focused results:
Search Options > Clinical Queries > Review - High Specificity
- option - use this limiter if you want to make sure you capture a broader range of results:
Search Options > Clinical Queries > Review - High Sensitivity
- option - use this limiter if you want a balance between Sensitivity and Specificity:
Search Options > Clinical Queries > Review - Best Balance
- option FIRST, add your specific topic words to the search box. THEN copy and paste this text string into another search box connected with AND:
(MH "meta analysis" OR MH "systematic review" OR MH "Technology, Medical/EV" OR PT "systematic review" OR PT "meta analysis" OR (((TI systematic* OR AB systematic*) N3 ((TI review* OR AB review*) OR (TI overview* OR AB overview*))) OR ((TI methodologic* OR AB methodologic*) N3 ((TI review* OR AB review*) OR (TI overview* OR AB overview*)))) OR (((TI quantitative OR AB quantitative) N3 ((TI review* OR AB review*) OR (TI overview* OR AB overview*) OR (TI synthes* OR AB synthes*))) OR ((TI research OR AB research) N3 ((TI integrati* OR AB integrati*) OR (TI overview* OR AB overview*)))) OR (((TI integrative OR AB integrative) N3 ((TI review* OR AB review*) OR (TI overview* OR AB overview*))) OR ((TI collaborative OR AB collaborative) N3 ((TI review* OR AB review*) OR (TI overview* OR AB overview*))) OR ((TI pool* OR AB pool*) N3 (TI analy* OR AB analy*))) OR ((TI "data synthes*" OR AB "data synthes*") OR (TI "data extraction*" OR AB "data extraction*") OR (TI "data abstraction*" OR AB "data abstraction*")) OR ((TI handsearch* OR AB handsearch*) OR (TI "hand search*" OR AB "hand search*")) OR ((TI "mantel haenszel" OR AB "mantel haenszel") OR (TI peto OR AB peto) OR (TI "der simonian" OR AB "der simonian") OR (TI dersimonian OR AB dersimonian) OR (TI "fixed effect*" OR AB "fixed effect*") OR (TI "latin square*" OR AB "latin square*")) OR ((TI "met analy*" OR AB "met analy*") OR (TI metanaly* OR AB metanaly*) OR (TI "technology assessment*" OR AB "technology assessment*") OR (TI HTA OR AB HTA) OR (TI HTAs OR AB HTAs) OR (TI "technology overview*" OR AB "technology overview*") OR (TI "technology appraisal*" OR AB "technology appraisal*")) OR ((TI "meta regression*" OR AB "meta regression*") OR (TI metaregression* OR AB metaregression*)) OR (TI meta-analy* OR TI metaanaly* OR TI "systematic review*" OR TI "biomedical technology assessment*" OR TI "bio-medical technology assessment*" OR AB meta-analy* OR AB metaanaly* OR AB "systematic review*" OR AB "biomedical technology assessment*" OR AB "bio-medical technology assessment*" OR MW meta-analy* OR MW metaanaly* OR MW "systematic review*" OR MW "biomedical technology assessment*" OR MW "bio-medical technology assessment*") OR ((TI medline OR AB medline OR MW medline) OR (TI cochrane OR AB cochrane OR MW cochrane) OR (TI pubmed OR AB pubmed OR MW pubmed) OR (TI medlars OR AB medlars OR MW medlars) OR (TI embase OR AB embase OR MW embase) OR (TI cinahl OR AB cinahl OR MW cinahl)) OR (SO Cochrane OR SO health technology assessment OR SO evidence report) OR ((TI comparative OR AB comparative) N3 ((TI efficacy OR AB efficacy) OR (TI effectiveness OR AB effectiveness))) OR ((TI "outcomes research" OR AB "outcomes research") OR (TI "relative effectiveness" OR AB "relative effectiveness")) OR (((TI indirect OR AB indirect) OR (TI "indirect treatment" OR AB "indirect treatment") OR (TI mixed-treatment OR AB mixed-treatment) OR (TI bayesian OR AB bayesian)) N3 (TI comparison* OR AB comparison*)) OR ((TI multi* OR AB multi*) N3 (TI treatment OR AB treatment) N3 (TI comparison* OR AB comparison*)) OR ((TI mixed OR AB mixed) N3 (TI treatment OR AB treatment) N3 ((TI meta-analy* OR AB meta-analy*) OR (TI metaanaly* OR AB metaanaly*))) OR (TI "umbrella review*" OR AB "umbrella review*") OR ((TI multi* OR AB multi*) N2 (TI paramet* OR AB paramet*) N2 (TI evidence OR AB evidence) N2 (TI synthesis OR AB synthesis)) OR ((TI multiparamet* OR AB multiparamet*) N2 (TI evidence OR AB evidence) N2 (TI synthesis OR AB synthesis)) OR ((TI multi-paramet* OR AB multi-paramet*) N2 (TI evidence OR AB evidence) N2 (TI synthesis OR AB synthesis))