This guide was created to help nursing students incorporate research into their nursing practice by honing skills in evaluating sources, developing a research topic, finding evidence-based information, citing sources and presenting projects. It includes research tools from the main Green River College Holman Library Website that are most useful to nursing students.
Option A: Navigate the guide by using the assignments and video tutorials unique to your program by clicking either the PN Students or BSN Students tabs
Option B: Navigate by starting at the top tab and clicking each tab in succession. The guide is structured to walk you through the steps and skills needed for a typical research process. Note that "Identify Research Study Types" and "Critically Appraise Research Study Methodology" and "Find Different Research Study Types" tabs are specific to BSN students
Option C: Click on specific tabs to locate the targeted info and research tools that you need
Image Source: "Nurse at Cathlab control room" by Irwan iwe is in the Public Domain, CC0
Image source: "Nurses" by Army Medicine is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Nurse giving flu vaccine in Vietnam by CDC Global is licensed under (CC BY 2.0)