Talk. Please talk and talk and talk some more. But also act. Act now, because people are dying now in this unjust system. How many lives have been ground up by racial prejudice and hate? How many opportunities have we already lost? Act and talk and learn and fuck up and learn some more and act again and do better. We have to do this all at once. We have to learn and fight at the same time. Because people have been waiting far too long for their chance to live as equals in this society.
Oluo continues with these suggestions:
- Adapted from "So You Want To Talk About Race," Chapter 16
These are articles from more popular media sources such as websites, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and the like.
These are articles from scholarly/academic journals that are written by researchers and other experts in their fields to share the findings of their original research with others in the field.
Videos can be a great place to get information. Linked below are some featured - both from the library's streaming collection, as well as videos on the web.
Linked below are websites for various organizations focused on creating real change.
The Holman Library has an abundance of resources about the history of racism, the struggle for civil rights, current systemic racism, and more. Access the guides linked below to find more resources in the library. Have questions about resources? Don't hesitate to talk to one of the GRC librarians!
Learn more about the people listed below or read some of the books and articles some have written.