- Then, design an initial search and perform at least a couple of different, subsequent searches.
You may wish to start with this search first:
[enter your food name]
history OR industry OR economics OR commodity OR agribusiness OR chain
For subsequent searches, try formulas for other search designs
(click on images to enlarge)

- After you search, filter in the left column by source type = Books

- Next, choose a relevant book.
If a result shows a location of a book, that means it is available on library shelves. If the campus is closed, you can click on the book and follow directions to request it via curbside pickup:
(click on image to enlarge)

- If a result shows "view online" you can read the book online:
(click on image to enlarge)

- Finally, manipulate the book to locate the info you need as shown in the images below.
- you do not have to read a whole book; find chapters that are most relevant to you
- use the "search within" feature (for online books) to find specific words in the book.
- if the book is a general book about food, type in the name of your food to see if the book covers your specific food
- if the book is specifically about your food, type in an aspect about that food that you want to know more about. Examples: "distribution" "farmers" "ethnic"
- Note that these features may look slightly different in different database platforms, but the strategy is the same:
(click on image to enlarge)