SOC 202: The Sociology of Food

Films on Demand

Using Films on Demand

  1. Click the link below to search for films in this Holman Library database where you can stream films.

(click image to enlarge)

films on demand search page pointing out the info listed in the bullet list in text below the image

  1. Type in your food.  If there are variant words for your food, try separate searches on those.
    1. search #1 = flour
    2. search #2 = wheat
    3. search #3 = grain industry
  2. Option: read a transcript of the video while you watch it
    1. watch the entire video.  
    2. watch shorter segments that are most relevant to your topic
  3. Get a stable link to the video.  (Do NOT just copy the URL in the browser address bar)
  4. Cite the video

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