Fine Arts

This guide provides resources to help you research different forms of art, find images and write about a piece of art.

InterLibrary Loan

Accessing Items from Other Libraries

Borrowing from other libraries offers access to materials that are not available in Holman Library. You can request an interlibrary loan online.

Complete all required fields. Remember to include your email address or phone number. You will be notified when the item arrives (usually in one week.)

Holman Library Primo One Search

Holman Library logo

Use Holman Library One Search to:
  • Search for books, CDs, videos and articles in Holman Library
  • Get an overview of information on a subject
  • Track down citations
Sample Search:

This sample search of "green tea" in the image below found over 79,508 books, articles, videos.

  • Use "Advanced Search" to add additional search options.
  • The "Filter My Results" options on the left let you sort by type (books, videos, articles), location (library items), and date. 

(click on image to enlarge)

Primo One Search on 'green tea'

Searching for Full Text

Searching for Full-Text

No full-text available?
Have only an article's abstract or just a citation?

  1. Search the Primo One Search (See link below) or Journals List for the title of the journal, magazine, or newspaper where the article appears.
  2. Request the article through Interlibrary Loan (See link below).

For assistance Ask A Librarian (link below).

Some Holman Library Books

Circulating books about Art:

How long can I borrow a book or DVD?

How long can I keep a book or DVD?

You can borrow many library items and take them home - 

  • library books - including Oversize books! - can be borrowed for 3 weeks (21 days) at a time.
  • DVDs can be borrowed for 1 week (7 days) at a time. You can borrow up to 2 DVDs at the same time.

Some library items stay in the library and can't be borrowed. You can make copies or scans of useful information or images from these items in the library. These items include -

  •  Reference books - in-library use only
  • Print journals and newspapers - in-library use only

If you would like to see a full list of the items you can borrow from the library, check out our "Borrowing" page:

Where do I go to check out items I want to take with me?

You can check out library items at the Circulation Desk located on the first floor of the library. It will be directly in front of you as you walk down the stairs from the second level, or to your left as you exit the elevator.

What do I need to borrow library items?

You can use your Green River student ID card to borrow items, or a photo ID and your student ID number.