ENGL 128 Research Writing: Science, Engineering and Business

Evidence: Statistics

Finding and Using Statistics

Statistics and recommendation reports can help you connect your best practice back to "real life" by suggesting the need or conditions surrounding your issue. 

But, a note of caution!! 

  • Don't abuse statistics! Use them only when they are absolutely necessary to strengthen your argument or thesis.

(click on image to enlarge)

Finding General Statistics Online

General Statistics & Government Sources

United States Government
United States Statistics
International Statistics

Where Can I Find Statistics?

Strategies for Finding Statistics

1. Many statistics are gathered by government agencies (for example, the U.S. Department of Energy) or large organizations (for example, The American Cancer Society.) To search within government websites, include "site:.gov" in a google or other search engine search.

2. However, you can also find good statistics within books or journal, magazine or newspaper articles. 

3. When you find statistics, check the source of the data.  In other words, does the book, article or website list where the statistics came from?  Do they come from a reputable or well-known source?  If not, attempt to find statistics from a more trustworthy source.

For More on Statistics