ENGL 128 Research Writing: Science, Engineering and Business

Multimedia Online [sciences, business, health]

Holman Library One Search: films

Using One Search

To find films in the Holman Library, you can use the Primo One Search and Limit to Videos and Sound Recording.

Why Multimedia?

Why Multimedia?

multimedia icons

image source below

Multimedia refers to documentaries, television news and analysis programs, radio news, podcasts and more.

Use multimedia as you would newspapers, magazines, and general books; that is, to help you understand:

  • Who the stakeholders are in regard to your topic - who is impacted, who the key players are, etc.
  • Context and historical background
  • Why this issue is happening
  • Key concepts and terminology
  • A specific aspect of  your topic
  • ... and more

Image Source: "Multimedia icons vector image" by OpenClipart is in the Public Domain


Sample Topics

Take a look at the links and topics listed below

Sample Topic: E-Waste
Sample Topic: Climate Change and Reducing Carbon Emissions
Sample Topic: The NPR program, Planet Money, explores the global life cycle of a t shirt, from production to purchase to re-sale.