Occupational Therapy

Guide to research in the area of occupational therapy. Also helpful for the areas of physical therapy, nursing, health, physiology and kinesiology.

Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Research Tools

Artificial Intelligence Tools - APA

There are not yet official APA Guidelines on how to cite artificial intelligence-created-sources.(AI)

However the APA Style Team is working on ways to address citing these types of tools. Below are their interim suggestions from the blog How to Cite ChatGPT which follow the APA reference template for software.  These guidelines may change. When they do, they will be updated here.

Developer of the AI tool (Year current version of the tool was released). Name of AI tool (Version number if given) [Type of AI]. URL of the tool



OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Jun 21 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com

In-Text and Paraphrase and In-Text Quote

(Developer of the AI tool, year).



  • To introduce your in-text paraphrase or quote, include the prompt you used in the AI tool
  • If the AI-generated output is unique to each prompt and is not retrievable by others, consider adding a copy of the transcript as supplemental materials in your essay or project so that your audience can view it

Example 1:

When prompted with “What are the barriers that undocumented students face in higher education?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated not only financial barriers like lack of access to financial aid and difficulty finding employment, but also isolation and fear deportation that add even more stress to their college experience (OpenAI, 2023).

Example 2:

When prompted with “How is neurodiversity an asset in the airline industry?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that neurodiverse individuals sometimes “possess heightened sensory perception and attention to environmental clues” which can help them “identify potential risks or anomalies in the aviation environment” (OpenAI, 2023, see Supplementary Materials for the full transcript).

If you cite multiple artificial intelligence-generated texts in one projects, you may need to refer to:

There are not yet official APA Guidelines on how to cite artificial intelligence-created-sources.(AI). When guidelines are published, they will be updated here.

Below is a suggestion for the reference citation and image inserted into the body of the work that follows the APA reference template for images, charts, tables and graphs 


In the body of the work:

  • Above the image:
    • Include the bolded word Figure and the number of the figure (you would need to number any subsequent figures sequentially in your paper)
    • Include the title of the image in title-case italics.  If the image does not have a given title, give your own short description of the image where you would normally put the title.
  • Below the image:
    • Include this word in italics: Note.
    • Include citation information in this format:
      Developer of the AI tool (Year current version of the tool was released). Name of AI tool (Version number if given) [Type of AI]. (URL of the tool).


Example citation on Reference page

OpenAI. (2023). DALL-E (Version 2) [Transformer language model]. https://labs.openai.com

Image inserted in body of work

Figure 1

AI and the Whimsy of Imagination

graphic-novel-style image of an anteater playing a guitar while balancing on a ball a

Note. Image generated using the prompt "Create a graphic-novel-style image of an anteater playing a guitar while balancing on a ball," by OpenAI, DALL-E, 2023 (https://labs.openai.com).

If you cite multiple artificial intelligence-generated texts in one projects, you may need to refer to:

Artificial Intelligence Prompts for Research Ideas

FIRSTmake sure you understand your instructors' policies and expectations on using AI for your assignments

THEN, if appropriate, choose a Generative AI Tool below (these are just popular examples, there are many more available)

NEXT, click on the subtabs ("Select a Topic" "Develop Research Questions"..etc.) to find copy-and-paste prompts to enter in to your AI Tool


Reminder to use these tools ethically

  • do not copy/paste and plagiarize
  • beware of the limitations of the tools
    • AI is not "thinking," rather it is predicting text sentences based on scanning and learning from enormously huge datasets (billions of webpages)

Some free Generative AI Tools:

AI Prompts for Selecting a Topic

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)

  • Help me brainstorm research topic ideas for the field of nursing by asking me at least different 5 questions about my personal interests.  First, ask the first question, then wait for my answer before proceeding to the next question. Next, after considering all my answers to the four questions, provide me 5 potential nursing research topic examples based on my interests.  Give 3 specific examples for each topic.  Provide your answers in a table format.

  • Provide 5 examples of background information on potential topics related to [Your Research Topic] and an example of a well-worded research question for each background information example.

AI Prompts for Developing Research Questions

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)

  • Assist me in formulating specific research questions about [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions about my interests before you answer to stimulate my thinking. Then give me specific examples as you help me craft these questions. 
  • Offer guidance on the feasibility and relevance of research questions for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions about my interests before you answer to stimulate my thinking and give specific examples about why these questions are suitable. 
  • Provide examples of well-structured research questions for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and give specific examples behind the structure and context of these research questions. 
  • Provide examples of well-structured thesis statements for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and give specific examples behind the structure of these statements. 
  • What topics in [Your Research Topic] have not yet been explored? Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and give specific examples of the topics.
  • Based on the research gaps in [Your Research Topic], propose up to 10 research questions. Please ask me at least 4 questions about my interests before you answer to stimulate my thinking. Then give specific examples behind the structure and context of these research questions. 
  • Provide examples of well-structured essay titles for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking behind these titles. 
  • Suggest potential hypotheses to investigate in the context of [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking regarding these hypotheses. 

AI Prompts for Refining the Topic or Scope

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)



  • In the field of [nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy..etc.], I am interested in researching [topic] 1. Give me 10 suggestions on how to narrow my topic 2. For each suggestion, provide three specific examples 3. For each suggestion, provide 3 Boolean searches with synonyms that could be used to search in academic databases. Provide your answer in a table format. 
  • Suggest potential subtopics or angles to explore within [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking on the relevance and significance of these subtopics. 
  • Provide guidance on setting specific research boundaries for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking on establishing these boundaries.
  • Offer examples of well-defined research scopes for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking on how these scopes can guide my research. 


  • In the field of [nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy..etc.], I am researching [your topic] but it is too narrow a topic. 1. Suggest 6 different broader scopes of research I could do that are still related to that original topic. 2. Give an explanation of each scope, 3. Give a specific example from each scope. 4. Give 3 different Boolean search strategies with synonyms for each scope.  Present your answer in a table format.
  • Assist me in broadening my research topic on [Your Research Topic] to achieve a manageable scope. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking on how to define the scope effectively. 

AI Prompts for Identifying Search Words

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)

  • First, help me brainstorm keywords and phrases for my research questions about [Your Research Topic] and explain your thinking on how to choose effective search terms. Then, Please ask me at least 2 questions to stimulate my thinking about keywords.  Wait for my answer before you ask the next question.  Finally, end with your final recommendations on keyword strategies.
  • First, offer guidance on using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) for effective searching in the context of [Your Research Topic] and explain your thinking on how to use these operators strategically.  Next, please ask me at least 3 questions to stimulate my thinking around these  strategies.
  • Provide tips on using search engines, databases, and library resources for researching [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking about the best resources for my topic. 
  • Suggest synonyms and related terms to improve my search results for [Your Research Topic]. Please ask me at least 4 questions before you answer to stimulate my thinking and explain your thinking on how these terms can enhance my search. 

AI Prompts for Refining the Testing Arguments and Considering Other Opinions

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)

  • You are my Socratic sparring partner. Make me defend my ideas about [insert your idea here] by challenging everything I say.
  • I believe [insert your idea here]. What would be at least five arguments given by different stakeholders who disagree with me?  Provide a description of each stakeholder.
  • I believe [insert your idea here]. What would be at least five arguments given by [describe a specific persona relevant to your topic such as “police officer” or “protester”] who disagrees with me?
  • What are the pros and cons around [topic]

AI Prompts for Summarizing Info

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)

•    General Summary Request:

  • "Can you provide a concise summary of [topic]?"

•    Analogies

  • “What are three creative analogies to help me understand [topic or concept]

•    Examples

  • “Provide three concrete examples of [topic or concept]

•    Overview Request from Different Perspectives:

  • "Give me an overview of [topic], including its key concepts and significance. Include significance as it relates to the topic, including any of the following that may apply: systemic inequity, racial, ethical, psychological, political, medical, economic, environmental, historical, legal, cultural, technological significance and any other applicable significances not listed here.

•    Key Points Inquiry: 

  • "What are the main key points or takeaways related to [topic]?"

•    Stakeholders

  • “Who are the stakeholders for [topic]? Make sure to give a list of stakeholders on both sides of an issue or those who may have power in this issue and stakeholders who have little or no power.

•    Summary of Historical Context: 

  • "Provide a summary of the historical context and evolution of [topic]."

•    Current Status and Trends:

  • "Summarize the current status and recent trends in [topic]."

•    Pros and Cons: 

  • "Give me a summary of the pros and cons associated with [topic]."

•    Implications and Impact:

  • "What are the implications and impact of [topic] on [relevant aspect]?"
  • “What are the ethical, psychological, political, medical, economic, environmental, historical, legal, cultural, technological, and racial implications of [topic]

•    Challenges and Solutions:

  • "Summarize the key challenges related to [topic] and any proposed solutions."

•    Comparison Request:

  • "Compare and contrast [topic] with [related topic] in a brief summary."

•    Significant Events or Milestones: 

  • "Provide a summary of significant events or milestones in the history of [topic]."

•    Summary of Key Research Findings:

  •  "Summarize the key research findings and insights related to [topic]."

•    Summary of Benefits and Applications:

  • "Give me a summary of the benefits and practical applications of [topic]."

•    Policy and Regulatory Overview:

  •  "Summarize the current policies and regulations governing [topic]."

•    Impact on Society or Industry:

  • "Provide a summary of how [topic] has impacted society or the industry."

•    Future Outlook:

  • "Summarize the expected future developments, trends or recommendations related to [topic]."

AI Prompts for Analyzing Data

(copy and paste these prompts into text-generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Claude.ai and others)

  • What are the three main takeaways or key insights from the data listed below? [paste in data table]
  • What is most notable about the data listed below? [paste in data table]
  • In what ways could I practically use the data pasted below?  List the ways and give concrete examples [paste in data table]