Occupational Therapy

Guide to research in the area of occupational therapy. Also helpful for the areas of physical therapy, nursing, health, physiology and kinesiology.

OT 100 Research Guide

Occupational Therapy

Click on the tabs on this page to complete your OT 100 research paper

Erin Kresenthal, an Australian Volunteer who is working as an Occupational Therapy Adviser talks to a patient about her therapy at the Cheshire Homes in Matsapa, Swaziland on the 10th June, 2009.

Image attribution: "Erin Kresenthal, an Australian Volunteer who..." by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Note: This guide was last reviewed by CD in January 2022. If you see errors, have questions, or suggestions for improvement, let us know by using the contact information on the "Get Help" page of this guide!

OT Research Worksheet

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Some More Articles

SCENARIO: You are asked to include a peer-reviewed journal article for your term paper.  Would these articles below satisfy that requirement?  Why or why not?

OT Research Video Tutorial