Scholarship refers to the research and theoretical analysis academics and researchers publish to advance our knowledge in a field.
Scholarship is very focused in its scope and provides in depth analysis. It might be a good place to turn to find useful information in support of your proposals.
Useful strategy for reading a research study or theoretical analysis:
Search across all library databases at once with the One Search. Be sure to limit to Peer Reviewed Journals to find the scholarship conversation.
In this search, I was looking for sources that discuss the impact on community college students of doing internships or service learning, particularly on finding a job or identifying a career.
Click on the images below to enlarge them.
1. Search terms
2. One useful article I found on the importance of internships for first generation college students in STEM fields.
3. The article description/ abstract. (I found this by clicking on the title. I could also go directly to the article with the database link to find the abstract. )