ENGL 235 Introduction to Technical Communication (Wilber)

Writing a Proposal for Specific Audiences - for students in Ari Wilber's 235

Current News Journalism & Trade (Professional) Publications


Turn to news journalism and trade publications to find the current conversation on trends and issues, whether in education or other areas. 

To Find News Publications:
  • Limit to magazines and newspapers to find current news, analysis, and opinion for the general public.
  • Try a range of search terms to find relevant and robust discussions.
  • If you find a ton of articles, try limiting to magazines only or to features and cover stories to find longer, more substantial writing.
  • To find opinion pieces, limit your searches in library databases to Opinion and Editorials.
  • Be sure to set an appropriate date limit to find current enough information.
To Find Trade (Professional) publications
  • Limit to trade at source type.
  • Try a range of search terms to find relevant and robust discussions. Pay attention to useful terminology you find along the way!
  • Be sure to set an appropriate date limit to find current enough information.

Holman Library Databases

Multidisciplinary databases
The Alternative Press
Sample Online News Sources

Why Use Journalism?

Current News Journalism & Trade Publications

Turn to current news journalism for informed and accessible discussions of issues facing institutions of higher ed, students, and families - and for anything and everything else going on in our world and communities. 

Turn to current trade publications for informed and accessible discussion of news and trends for professionals in a specific field. Trade publications are a subset of journalism. Trade, or Professional, magazines are update professionals on current news and issues impacting the field, best practices, new products, and professional development. Trade publications often feature an editorial on a current issue as well.

Education News Sources

Education News

Look for the ongoing conversation for educators on current issues in Higher Ed. 

Education News for the Public