ENGL 235 Introduction to Technical Communication (Wilber)

Writing a Proposal for Specific Audiences - for students in Ari Wilber's 235

Why do Research for your Proposals?

Secondary Research

To build a strong proposal requires you to be informed on your topic. 

While primary research is useful for getting firsthand information on problems and solutions, your secondary research will help give you the bigger picture on the problem and provide perspectives from outside sources that have studied or reported on the issue. 

From your Assignment

What is the background of the problem or opportunity?  

  • In this section,  show your readers that you’ve done some research on the problem. Remember that your readers are, essentially, the Green River Foundation.  
  • Show them that you understand the problem and the opportunity the grant will provide from the student perspective.  


  • Audience and Use Profile
  • Research Dossier:  A collection of all the research you’ve used or consulted, with descriptions of each one’s usefulness in your project.