Did you know that as a Green River student you have access to thousands of eBooks (PDF versions of print books, fully readable and searchable online) on a wide variety of topics? These are the same types of books that we have in the library and they are appropriate sources for many assignments.
From the library homepage, use the Primo One Search, or search using the box below. Type in your search terms. On the results list, choose "Online Access" from the narrowing options on the left.
You can access any electronic resources, like eBooks, when you're off-campus by logging in with your student/staff credentials when prompted.
(click on image to enlarge)
Look at your class syllabus (given to you by your instructor and often posted in Canvas.) for a list of required textbooks and materials.
The college's bookstore also has a list of required textbooks for each course.
Most current textbooks are not in the library collection, however, if your instructor has placed your textbook on "course reserve" in the library, it will be available for a limited checkout (usually 2 hours in-library use)
The Paper Tree Bookstore carries used textbooks, as do other online sources. Make sure you use the exact ISBN number to ensure you have the right edition.
Not all textbooks are available to rent, but it is good to check on that possibility through the college bookstore and online vendors
Maybe, if the publisher offers a digital version (not all do) and if your instructor allows it (check with them first)
Potentially. Check out the different on-campus programs to see their rules and eligibility requirements
Thank you for offering equitable access to textbooks! Check out the easy steps on how to put your items on course reserve.