Library Resources for Online Students

This guide provides an overview of library and elearning resources available to elearning students

Looking outside of GRC

Using Additional Library Resources

Linked on this page are some options for using the local public library collections. As a GRC student, you have access to the King County Library System's digital collections; this includes databases with resources, some much like the ones you can access at GRC, as well as streaming content, and ebook and audiobooks. 

While you can certainly find content to help you with your research needs as a student at GRC, the public library tends to have a larger collection of popular publications while the library collection at GRC is largely academic in nature, aimed to support specific classes offered by the college. When in doubt of what to use, just ask a librarian! But do take advantage of the wonderful resources that you have access to with our local partnership with KCLS. 

Accessing KCLS as a GRC student

For Students: Accessing the KCLS Library System

As a student at Green River College, you automatically have access to online library resources at King County Library System. 
King County Library System logo
Use the link below to find relevant supplemental resources on your topic!
  • Username to Log in: use GRC (all capital letters) + your student username. (The part before the @ in your GRC email address. Must be in lowercase letters)
    • Example: GRCsmith.jane.23
    • Wrong: GRCSmith.Jane.23. (must use lowercase for the username.)
  • PIN number: your pin is the last four characters of your log in. Example: e.23

Requesting items GRC doesn't have...for free!

Searching outside libraries

Search for an item in libraries near you: >>
  1. Use the search box to find books in libraries across the United States.
  2. If you find a book not owned by GRC, keep the record open in WorldCat.
  3. Open a new window with the Interlibrary Loan form (use the link below) to request that the book be sent to GRC's Holman Library free of charge! (note: this process may take 1-2 weeks)
Requesting an Interlibrary Loan:
  1. Click on the link above and select "Interlibrary Loan Request Form"
  2. Fill out the answers on the form (fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required fields
  1. If you are requesting an article format:
    • Use the information you find on the article's abstract or citation page to fill out the Interlibrary Loan request form:

(click on image to enlarge)

image showing how to request an ILL article ILL. Shows how to fill in info about the source in the form
  1. Finish filling out the ILL form and click the Submit Requests button at the bottom. When your item arrives, the library will contact you:
  • A digital article will be emailed as an attachment to your email account
  • A book or other physical item will be held for you at the Holman Library's Circulation Desk. You will receive an email notifying you it has arrived and is ready for you to pick up.  

Locate and Use Your Local Public Library

Local Public Library Systems

If you live close enough to come to the Holman Library at Green River College, we'd love to see you! But if you live too far away, or if it's just more convenient for you, consider using your local public library. Public Libraries offer great resources (including books and articles), public computers, a quiet space to study, and more! Getting a library card is FREE and allows you to take advantage of all the library has to offer.

A quick Google search will point you in the right direction for a public library in your local area but below we have linked to some of the bigger public library options in western Washington.