Library Resources for Online Students

This guide provides an overview of library and elearning resources available to elearning students

Finding Articles

Searching within the Databases

As an eLearning student, you have the same access to our online article databases you would in the library, but from anywhere with an internet connection! 

The page linked below will show you all the databases the library subscribes to. Each database includes different publications and is specialized to specific subjects. Academic Search Complete and ProQuest are large, interdisciplinary databases and are a good place to start for most research.

  • Use the link above, or click on Databases By Subject from the library's homepage, as shown below.

(click on image to enlarge)

screenshot of Holman Library's Databases by Subject page, Jan. 2017

More Help Finding Articles

Additional Guides

For in-depth information about researching a topic, please visit Library Research: A Step-by-Step Guide or Ask a Librarian anytime.