Scholarly journals...
Use keywords or subject terms that capture what you want to learn about.
Ex: Keywords: nutrition AND sports, nutrition AND pregnancy, "prenatal pregnancy", nutrition AND "cardiac disease"
Ex: Subject Terms: Prenatal Nutritional Physiology, Maternal Nutritional Physiology, Nutrition AND Heart diseases
Step 1: Select CIHNAL Headings (in other Databases, look for Subject Terms or Thesaurus).
Step 2: Enter your keywords and browse for subjects.
Step 3: Use the subject terms to discover the vocabulary of the field and to find the most relevant articles.
1. Click on the databases below to search for scholarly journal articles on your topic
2. After you search, remember to limit your results to "scholarly" or "academic" or "peer-reviewed" (databases use different words to refer to the same concept)
3. After you search, limit your results to "full text" so that you can see the entire article
4. When you choose an article, use the checklist below to make sure it is actually a scholarly journal article.
Other Useful Databases:
Holman Library subscribes to many relevant databases.