Film, Television, and Popular Culture Studies

This guide will help you find and research films, media, pop culture, and television.

Library databases for finding film-related articles

Searching Communication, Film, Media & Pop Culture Scholarly Articles

Try the following library databases to find articles related to your films. Articles from these databases will include film reviews, interviews, scholarly film criticism, and more.

  • Try limiting to magazines only or to feature articles to find substantial reviews and analysis from the popular press. Publications such as the New Yorker or the NY Times may be good places to look. 
  • To find the scholarly conversation on film, limit your search to scholarly peer-reviewed sources.

General Article Databases (scholarly and popular)

These collections contain both academic peer-reviewed journals and more popular features, articles, news, and criticism (such as commercial film reviews, popular media commentary, opinion, and so on).

Literary, Pop Culture, and Film Criticism

This collection contains academic criticism essays, overviews of fiction and popular culture/film works, and academic reviews. 

Even more Databases

Also try the Holman Library One Search and the library's complete list of databases for other search options. Limit to scholarly peer-reviewed journals to find scholarly articles.

Scholarly film and television journals by title

Journals for Film Studies

Here's a list of some of the library's Film Studies journals. 

Current Articles from Academic Search Complete

Here is a current list of articles from Ebsco's Academic Search Complete found using the subject term: FILM adaptations.

Sample Current Film Scholarship