Research in Communication Studies Project (Neffenger)

Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar can be a great way to quickly see what kinds of scholarly articles have been written on a topic - and, if you're lucky, even link you to a free PDF version or at least give you enough information about a source so that you can request it (for free) from GRC! 

Understanding Google Scholar Results

Understanding How to Use Google Scholar 

Google Scholar can be very useful in finding about articles on a topic. Here are some features as highlighted below. Click on all images to expand:

  • You can click on the title of an article to read the abstract and information about where the article was published:
    Google Scholar result with the article title highlighted
  • Related articles will show you articles similar to the associated article above - useful for finding connected research!
    Google Scholar result showing the related articles option
  • By clicking on the small quotation mark icon that appears under the article, you can see a list of citations-ready-to-copy, in popular styles like APA and MLA. (Review the citation before using - sometimes the tool gets it wrong):
     screenshot of the "cite" option in Google Scholar results
  • You can limit by date, or a date range to ensure you're finding the most relevant content - and depending on your topic, that might be important:
    Google Scholar date range options
  • If the article is freely available online, there is often a link off to the right, and if you have linked Holman Library, it will point you to GRC digital collections: 
    Google Scholar "View it @ Green River" full text option
  • You can request any articles through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) if the full-text is not directly available. Use the links for more information about this process or talk to a librarian if you need help. (DO NOT feel you must pay for temporary access-- we can use ILL to get you the article, usually at no cost to you.)

Requesting Items with Interlibrary Loan (tutorial)

Making a Request

Use the link below to get to the Interlibrary Loan page where you can fill out a form with required information about the source you're trying to request. See the images below to learn more about the steps to make a request.

Requesting an Interlibrary Loan:
  1. Click on the link above and select "Interlibrary Loan Request Form"
  2. Fill out the answers on the form (fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required fields
  1. If you are requesting an article format:
    • Use the information you find on the article's abstract or citation page to fill out the Interlibrary Loan request form:

(click on image to enlarge)image showing how to request an ILL article ILL. Shows how to fill in info about the source in the form

  1. Finish filling out the Interlibrary Loan form, click the "Submit button at the bottom. When your item arrives, the library will contact you:
  • A digital article will be emailed as an attachment to your email. 
  • A book or other physical item will be held for you at the Holman Library's Circulation Desk. You will receive an email notifying you it has arrived and is ready for you to pick up.  

You can build advanced searches in Google Web Search too!

Use your Boolean search to focus your Google results:

click image to enlarge:

Google search design

  • Option – Use quotation marks to keep a phrase together in your search:
    • “body image”
  • Option – Use AND to connect your ideas and focus your search:
    • "body image" AND women
  • Option -  In the same box, use OR and parenthesis to expand your search to synonyms or related ideas:
    • (women OR girls)
  • Note: – By default, Google should find word variations:
    • Example: 'advertise' = advertisements, advertising

Link Google Scholar and Holman Library collections

Add "Green River College" to see GRC full text links!

Set Google Scholar on your home computer to tell you if we have it at Holman Library! Follow these steps:

  1. At Google Scholar, select Settings from the menu.
  2. Select Library Links from that list.
  3. Enter Green River College. 

Now when you search in Google Scholar, it will display the GRC database that houses that article or book.

(click on image to enlarge)

Google Scholar Library Links Setting