Textbooks and Other Course Materials

A guide to help locate textbooks and course reserve materials

Frequently asked questions

Do you have my book in the Library?
  • Most current textbooks are not in the library collection, but there are exceptions. Please try the Library Catalog below to check.
Can I rent my textbook?
  • Not all textbooks are available to rent. The Book Rentals tab has more information.
Will a used textbook work for me?
  • The Paper Tree Bookstore carries used textbooks, as do other sources. Make sure you use the exact ISBN number to ensure you have the right edition. The Used Books tab has more information.
Can I use a digital book?
  • Not all instructors allow use of digital books. The Digital Books tab has more information.
What if I'm a Running Start Student?
  • Running Start students must pay for their own textbooks. There is assistance available. The Running Start Textbooks tab has more information.
What about my Math textbook?

Why do textbooks cost so much?

The Infographic linked below explains why textbook costs are so high!