Library Research: A Step-By-Step Guide

Use this guide to learn more about the research process

Step 2c: Find audio and video

Why use Video and Audio?

Video and Audio...
  • can be valid sources for research!!
  • give you a visual and emotional understanding of your topic
  • allow you to hear important talks or lectures at your own convenience 
  • can provide authentic, first-hand accounts of events from participants or witnesses in the film
  • are great for presentations you must give in front of a class - keep your audience interested and engaged!
  • need to be evaluated to determine if they are credible sources for your research

Good sources for audio and video

Radio Programs, Recorded Talks, and Podcasts

To start, try these websites:

Using Documentaries

Documentaries are non-fiction films and programs about real life people and events. These can be fantastic sources of information for your research!

To start, try these websites:
  • Near the top of the page, click the drop-down arrow near "Moving Images" to search the different categories of films
  • Or, in the search box type documentary AND your search topic
    Example: documentary AND north korea

Movies and Videos from the Library

Streaming Videos

  • Watch entire videos OR just short segments of videos that are relevant to your research
  • Transcripts of videos are often provided as well as citation information