Use a range of strategies to find the best scholarly articles for your essay!
Keep in mind that the One Search defaults to full text only. Check the box include sources that are not full text to expand your search and use ILL to borrow.
Books can be scholarly too, but you need to ask and assess: Is this scholarly?
Go right to ebooks (which is a good bet for scholarly books):
A scholarly book will:
While you can limit a search for articles to scholarly (peer reviewed) journals, you cannot do the same with books.
You can, however,
Limiting to academic journals in Ebsco's Academic Search Complete database
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(click on image to enlarge)
Sometimes it's hard to know what search terms to use. Let the databases help. Browse Subject Terms to find the most relevant and precise search terms.
Do a keyword search and review / look for subject terms under the articles.
Explore possible subject terms in the limiter.
Browse the Thesaurus.