Borrowing & Circulation

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Make an ILL Request

If the Holman Library does not have a book, video or article you need, we will attempt to borrow it for free from another library for you.

Complete all required fields, including your email address or phone number. You will be notified when the item arrives, usually in one - two weeks.


Hint: To find out what the library already has available for you, search the link below for title.
If you find the title of what you need elsewhere (the internet, another library), but you cannot access the full text of the item, then it's time to request an Interlibrary Loan through the Holman Library!


What is an Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

When one library borrows materials from another, it is called Interlibrary Loan or "ILL." Borrowing from other libraries offers access to materials that are not available in Holman Library. Interlibrary Loan is a voluntary cooperative arrangement among libraries and is bound by the Washington State Interlibrary Sharing Code and Copyright Law.

Who may request Interlibrary Loans?


Current students, faculty, staff, and emeriti of Green River may all use Interlibrary Loan. Community borrowers must use their local public or county library system for materials.

(If you have emeritus status, please email Catherine Rabold at

How do I make ILL requests?

When can ILL requests be made?

You can request an Interlibrary Loan only during the quarter. Interlibrary Loans are not available during breaks between quarters.

What can I request by Interlibrary Loan?

Books, copies of periodical articles, some audio-visual materials, and microforms can be borrowed by ILL if the library that owns the item allows it to be loaned out. Textbooks currently required for courses cannot be Interlibrary loaned. 

When and where will I receive my ILL materials?

It usually takes about one-two weeks to receive an item, but may take more or less time, depending on availability.

Borrowers will be notified by email or phone when their materials arrive. Materials may be picked up at the Holman Library circulation desk any time before the due date.

How long can I borrow an ILL loan item? Can I renew it?

The library that owns the item determines the borrowing and renewal times; however you can generally borrow books for about three weeks and most media for about two weeks. Renewals generally extend the borrowing period about two more weeks. Contact the Holman Library Circulation Desk to request a renewal at least two days prior to your due date.

What if I damage or lose an ILL item?


Borrowers receiving materials through Interlibrary Loan accept full responsibility for their care and return. They will be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of damaged or lost materials.

Interlibrary Loan privileges may be revoked if previously loaned materials have not been returned, or have been lost or damaged. If materials have been lost or damaged, fines must be paid before new Interlibrary Loans will be processed.

Interlibrary Loan materials must be returned, regardless of condition.

Does an Interlibrary Loan cost money?

Holman Library does not charge a fee for Interlibrary Loans, but occasionally some lenders do. In this rare event, you, the borrower would be charged that lending fee.

We try to locate a vendor that does not charge a fee. If a fee is charged, we will contact you by email or phone before the request is placed. If you agree to pay the fee, you will pay at the Cashiers Office prior to checking out the material at the circulation desk in Holman Library.

How does copyright affect InterLibrary Loans?


Copyright law does apply when making photocopies of copyrighted materials. Guidelines for articles published fewer than five years ago recommend:

  1. The library not request more than five  articles from a single journal title in a single year, and
  2. The library not request multiple articles from a single issue of a journal.

Are there any other restrictions on ILL requests?

Restrictions on the number of requests by one person may vary. If requests are made and not picked up, further requests may be restricted.

Find ILL Items

1. FIRST, search other libraries with larger collections to find more titles on your topic:

2. NEXT, determine if the Holman Library already has the item available by searching for the title in the link below

3. FINALLY, if the Holman Library does not have the item available for you, it's time to make an Interlibrary Loan Request:

Borrowing Icon Dark Green

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