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Borrowing & Circulation

Your Library Account & GRC ID Card

Do students, staff and faculty need a library card to borrow items? Where do I get one?


Yes. Get a GRC ID card made at either the Holman Library Circulation Desk on the first floor or the PaperTree Book Store in SU (the Student Union)

  • Bring your ctcLink ID student ID number and an official photo ID (driver's license, state ID card, passport...etc.)
  • A staff member will take your photo and issue you a GRC ID card
  • That card serves as your Library Card. Bring it with you to borrow items from the library.  It also serves a general student ID card --  you can ask local businesses if they will give you a student discount when you show your card!

GRC ID card featuring the GRC mascot, Slater Gator


What if I lose my ID card?

  • The first ID card is free; subsequent cards cost $5.00/card payable at the Cashier's Office in the SA Building

Can non-GRC students, staff and faculty borrow items?

Borrowing Privileges Only

Community members who want to check out books pay $5 for a Community Member ID card.   This card never expires as long as you don't lose it and you return library materials properly.

  • Option: You can pay the $5 fee at the GRC Cashier's Office in the SA Building and bring a receipt to Holman Library to have your Community Member card created
  • Option: You can pay for and have the card created at the same time in the Paper Tree Bookstore.
Borrowing and Computer/Library Database Privileges


How do I access my library account?

Sign in to your library account to renew your checked out library items and see your loans, fines, saved items...etc.):

Do you keep my personal information confidential?

It is our policy to keep your library records confidential. After library items have been returned, the record of your check out is erased. We abide by the Green River College Privacy Policy.

Check Out Items & Length of Loans

How and where do I check out library items (books, videos, laptops, course reserves...etc.)?

If you find books, DVDs or CDs on the library shelves that you would like to borrow, please bring them to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Library.  Course Reserves (textbooks), Interlibrary Loan and Technology Equipment are located at the Circulation desk; request them there/

The circulation desk is located adjacent to the library entrance on the first floor. 

Students, staff, faculty and community borrowers may check out library materials with your GRC ID card. 

The first floor Circulation Desk can make you your first GRC ID for free.  Just bring your ctcLink student number and a photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport...etc.)

Can I keep an item during quarter break?

Students, faculty, staff and community borrowers may check out some items from the library over the breaks between quarters. Inquire at the Circulation Desk. The check out date will be modified to reflect a due date for the beginning of the new quarter.

How many items can I borrow?

How long can I keep books, videos, CDs, and technical equipment that I borrow from the library?


Most commonly borrowed
General, Oversized, Picture and Basic Skills Books 21 days / no limit on number borrowed
DVDs and VHS 7 days / borrowing limit is 5 items
Course Reserves (textbooks) Loan period set by instructor.  Usually 2 hours in-library use only. No limit on number borrowed

1 quarter with possibility to extend a subsequent quarter if students are enrolled in that next quarter.

Students must make request through to check availability of laptops and if necessary, be placed on a wait list. Students will be notified by email as laptops become available to borrow.

Borrowing limit is one laptop at a time

*See example Laptop Loan Contract below for student responsibilities when borrowing laptops.




Full list

Students and General Public
General, Oversized, Picture and Basic Skills Books 21 days / no limit on number borrowed
Reference Books In-library use only (does not circulate)
Magazines and Journals In-library use only (does not circulate)
Essential Skills Collection Items 7 days / no limit on number borrowed
DVDs and VHS 7 days / borrowing limit is 5 items
Audio CDs 7 days / borrowing is limit 5 items
Course Reserves (textbooks) Loan period set by instructor.  Usually 2 hours in-library use only. No limit on number borrowed
Interlibrary Loan Items

When you request to borrow an item from another library, the library that owns the item determines the borrowing and renewal times. However you can generally borrow books for about three weeks and most media for about two weeks.

Renewals generally extend the borrowing period about two more weeks.

Contact the Holman Library Circulation Desk (253) 931-6490 or to request a renewal at least two days prior to your due date.




1 quarter with possibility to extend a subsequent quarter if students are enrolled in that next quarter.

Students must make request through to check availability of laptops and if necessary, be placed on a wait list. Students will be notified by email as laptops become available to borrow.

Borrowing limit is one laptop at a time

*See example Laptop Loan Contract above for student responsibilities when borrowing laptops.

WiFi Hotspots 1 quarter / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Webcam - long loan 1 quarter / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Webcam - short loan 4 hours / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Headphones with microphone (for laptop) - long loan 1 quarter / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Headphones with microphone (for laptop) - short loan 4 hours / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Headphones without microphone
4 hours
/ borrowing limit is one item at a time
Headphones for TV 4 hours / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Voice Recorder Overnight / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Cassette Tape Player 3 days / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Canon - EOS Rebel T7 Two Lens Kit with EF-S 18-55mm and EF 75-300mm Lenses
3 days / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Canon XA40 Camcorder 20x optical zoom
3 days / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Camera Tripod 3 days / borrowing limit is one item at a time
2.0 memory stick (Memorex Traveldrive)
Overnight / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Anker 332 USB-C Hub (5-in-1)
3 days / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Phone Charger
1 day / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Phone Charger
Android - Type C
1 day / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Phone Charger
1 day / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Power Adaptor for Phone Chargers 1 day / borrowing limit is one item at a time
Faculty and Staff
Books 1 quarter
Reference Books in-library use only (does not circulate)
Magazines and Journals 7 days
DVDs and VHS 7 days
Audio CDs 7 days
Essential Skills Collection Items 7 days


Returning Items

TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT (laptops, webcams, headsets, WiFi hotspots, microphones)

  • Do NOT return by mail. Do NOT return in the library book drop outside the library
  • If you wish to renew an item, you must call or come in-person to the Circulation Desk on the library first floor 
  • When the library is open...return to the Circulation Desk, first floor of the library

  • When the library is closed... return to GRC Campus Safety

    • Call (253) 288-3350 so that a member of Campus Safety can arrange to pick up the equipment from you when returning items, please!
    • Campus Safety: Student Affairs and Success Building (SA), Main Green River campus, room 156.

BOOKS, CDS, OR DVDS (including interlibrary loans, course reserves and textbooks from Running Start, TRIO, Open Doors, ODEI, MESA, Physics)


  • Option 1: Return in-person return to the Circulation Desk, first floor of the library
  • Option 2: Return in-person to the library book drop on outside the main (south) entrance to the library building.  The book drop is labeled "book depository" and is on the concrete wall to the left of the doors before you enter the building (see image below)
  • Option 3: Return by mail to:
    Green River College
    Library Circulation Department
    12401 SE 320th St.
    Auburn, WA 98092

(click book drop image to enlarge)

Holman Library Book drop located on the concrete wall to the left of the doors to the main (south) library building entrance

Renew Items

Option 1:
Bring borrowed items in person to the Circulation Desk on the library first floor

Option 2: Renew through your Library Account:

*note that you cannot renew technology items (laptops, hotspots, videos, headsets...etc.) online.  You must come to the Circulation Services in-person to request a renewal.

Renewals are permitted if:

  • No one else has requested the item
  • The renewal limit has not been reached
  • If you have no blocks on your library account (an unpaid fine is one example of a block).

Overdue items may be renewed, but overdue fines will be charged.

Lost items (40 days past due) may not be renewed. 


Interlibrary Loan Renewals

You can usually renew items. Renewals, if approved, generally extend the borrowing period about two more weeks. Contact the Holman Library Circulation Desk to request a renewal at least two days prior to your due date.

The lending library may refuse a request for renewal. You will be informed of the lending library's decision. If the request has been denied, the material is due back on the original due date.

Request Items for Pick Up & Delivery (including branch campuses)

  • You can request to place a hold on book and videos that are checked out to another person
  • You can also request photocopies of articles from physical journals in the library. See how-to instructions below.
  • For branch campuses (Kent, Auburn Center and Enumclaw)
    • When requesting your item, please type in your preferred pickup location (Kent, Enumclaw, OR Auburn Center) in the "Pickup at..." field of the request form. 
    • There is a regular schedule to deliver items from the main campus to branch campus locations. Delivery time is expected to be around 5 business days after the request.
  • You will receive a notification from Circulation Services when your item is available for pickup.

Video instructions:

Source: "How to Place Requests for Items from Library Shelves" by Holman Library is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Learn how to place and cancel requests for items from library shelves.

Step-by-Step instructions:

1. Locate your item through the Holman Library One Search:

2. Click on the item you wish to request:

(click image to enlarge)

Item in library catalog with arrow indicating it is checked out

3. If you are not logged into your library account, you should see a yellow box that says “Sign in to see loan & request options and to access your library account". Click “Sign in” and sign in with your GRC student email address and password:

(click image to enlarge)

Yellow box with link to log in to your library account

4. After you log in, the yellow box should be replaced by a link to “Place a request to pick up this item”:

(click image to enlarge)

Link to request item for pick up

5. The request screen will then ask for a date after which the item is no longer needed. You will also have the option to have the item sent to Kent, Enumclaw or Auburn Center rather than the main Auburn Campus. Click “Send Request”:

(click image to enlarge)

Item request form

You should then see a green confirmation box letting you know where you can pick up the item:

(click image to enlarge)

Green request item confirmation box

6. You can cancel the request by clicking on your name at the top right corner of your screen and selecting “My Requests” and then clicking “cancel”:

(click images to enlarge)

Library account "My Requests" link

Cancel option for requested items

Pay Fines and Fees

Will I have to pay an overdue fine if I do not return a book on time?


Item Type
Overdue Fines
Grace Period
Main Collection, Oversized, Picture and Basic Skills Books 25¢ per day 7 days -- $2.00 due on the 8th day
Course Reserves - Hourly checkout 5¢ per minute 30 minutes -- $1.50 due after 30 minutes
Course Reserves - Daily checkout $1 per day None
Telecourse and  DVD Sets $1  per day per DVD set 1 day -- $2.00 due on the 2nd day
DVDs and VHS - 7-day checkouts 25¢ per day 1 day -- 50¢ due on the 2nd day
Music and Essential College Skills  25¢ per day 1 day -- 50¢ due on the 2nd day
Headphones $10 replacement cost Fee charged if not returned the same calendar day they are checked out
Laptops 5¢ per minute 30 minutes -- $1.50 due after 30 minutes

Holman Library reserves the right to adjust fines and fees without notice.

Fines and fees are paid in the Cashier's Office (253-833-9111 x2050). When total fines are equal to or greater than $10.00, a block will be placed on library privileges.

When fines have not been paid after 60 days, the borrower's debt may be sent to a collections agency.


What if I damage a book or other item?

Holman library reserves the right to assess items and determine whether or not they are damaged upon their return. The library charges fees for damage to books and materials. Repeated incidents of damage will result in loss of library privileges.

Type of Damage

Minor- A few pencil marks, bent pages and very slight water damage.

Warning or note in patron's record with no fee
Moderate - Highlighting, ink marks, stains, water damage, torn pages or multiple pages with pencil. $5 fee
Major - Damage to cover and binding requiring extensive repairs $10 fee
Severe - Torn, cut or missing pages, excessive ink writing or drawing, severe water damage, burns, teeth marks from pets or any other extensive damage $10 processing fee plus replacement cost as determined by acquisitions librarian



The patron will be charged the full replacement cost for damaged CDs, cassette tapes, video tapes and DVDs, computer mouse, headphones microphones and USBs.

The patron will be charged repair costs of up to $1,000 for damaged laptops.

What if I lose a book or other item?

A book or other item is considered lost if it is not returned within 40 days of its due date. If the item is returned after 40 days, the replacement cost is waived but the overdue charge must still be paid.  Fines and fees are paid in the Cashier's Office (253-833-9111 x2050). Repeated loss of library materials will result in the loss of library privileges.

Lost Item Charges

Item Type
Replacement Costs
Main Collection, Oversized, Essential Skills, Picture and Basic Skills Books Replacement cost plus overdue fines
Course Reserves Replacement cost plus overdue fines
Telecourse & VHS / DVD Sets $100 to replace the set. If one tape or disk is missing from the set, the missing tape or disk is prorated, plus overdue fines
DVDs, CDs, and VHS Replacement cost plus overdue fines
Headphones $10 replacement fee
Laptop $1000
Laptop Mouse $30
Laptop Cord $30

Holman Library reserves the right to adjust fines and fees without notice.

Fines and fees are paid in the Cashier's Office (253-833-9111 x2050). When total fines are equal to or greater than $10.00, a block will be placed on library privileges.

When fines have not been paid after 60 days, the borrower's debt may be sent to a collections agency.