Holman Library
Green River College
12401 SE 320th Street
Auburn, WA 98092-3622
Library Circulation Desk (Borrowing and Reserves): (253) 931-6490
Library Reference Desk and Information Commons: (253) 931-6480
Media Services: 253-931-6495
Lending and returning items, course reserves, fines, GRC ID Cards, Interlibrary Loan
Holman Library, first floor
(253) 931-6490 or circdesk@greenriver.edu
Holman Library Circulation Desk
Green River College
12401 SE 320th Street
Auburn, WA 98092-3622
Fartun Abdulahi
Circulation Assistant
Phone extension: 6446
email: fabdulahi@greenriver.edu
Nadine Pavlov
Circulation Supervisor
Phone extension: 6485
email: npavlov@greenriver.edu
Catherine Rabold
Circulation Technician
Phone extension: 6486
email: crabold@greenriver.edu
Holman Library, second floor, top of stairs
Get assistance with any tech question or problem in-person at the Holman Library and Tech Center Computer Lab or online through a Zoom Lobby.
Amanda Chin
Faculty Librarian
• Instructional Liaison Areas
Phone extension: 6481
email: achin@greenriver.edu
Katie Cunnion
Faculty Librarian
• Instructional Liaison Areas
Phone extension: 6482
email: kcunnion@greenriver.edu
Marji MacKenzie
Faculty Librarian
• Collection Liaison Areas
Phone extension: 6483
email: mmackenzie@greenriver.edu
Jennifer Rohan
Faculty Librarian
• Instructional Liaison Areas
Phone extension: 6487
email: jrohan@greenriver.edu
Jody Segal
Faculty Librarian
• Instructional Liaison Areas
Phone extension: 6488
email: jsegal@greenriver.edu
Christina DelliSante
Adjunct Faculty Librarian
phone: (253) 931-6480
email: cdellisante@greenriver.edu
Heather Jeffries
Adjunct Faculty Librarian
phone: (253) 931-6480
email: hjeffries@greenriver.edu
Sue Schub
Adjunct Faculty Librarian
phone: (253) 931-6480
email: sschub@greenriver.edu
Katie Straton
Adjunct Faculty Librarian
phone: (253) 931-6480
email: kstraton@greenriver.edu
Philip Whitford
Adjunct Faculty Librarian
phone: (253) 931-6480
email: pwhitford@greenriver.edu
Jennifer Dysart
Dean of Library, eLearning, and Media Services
Phone extension:. 2094
email: jdysart@greenriver.edu
Leilani Hoglund
Admin Assistant
Phone extension: 2099
Hannah Micona
Technical Processes
Phone extension: 6484
email: hmicona@greenriver.edu
The Media Services department is available to help faculty and staff set-up, purchase or rent media equipment for classroom use. You can request the delivery of media equipment such as projectors, TVs, VCRs, DVD players, data projectors, video cameras, tripods and additional items.
Other services included: lamination, filming and film production, overhead projector and screen maintenance, video conferencing and video digitization.
(253) 931-6495 or mediaservices@greenriver.edu
Media Services
Holman Library
Green River College
12401 SE 320th Street
Auburn, WA 98092-3622