Islam and Muslim Americans

Background Articles

Reference Sources

Linked below are some articles from the library's collection. These are great sources to find the basic, background info on a topic. 

Articles on the Web

Linked below are some featured articles from the web

Streaming Films - Women and Islam

Islam & Women

Films on Demand is a great database to use to search for videos like the one featured just below: Wearing Hijab: Uncovering the Myths of Islam in the United States

  • Searching for "women AND Islam" is a good starting point in this database. 

(click on image to enlarge)

video player showing image of film linked below

TED Talks

Technology, Entertainment, and Design - TED Talks are a great place to hear short talks. Be sure to evaluate the expertise of the speaker. 

Source: "What Islam really says about women" by Alaa Murabit on TED, Standard YouTube license

Media Representations & Stereotypes

Linked below are just a few videos that talk about the media's portrayal of Islam and  Muslim women. 

Source: "Muslim Women Confront Common Stereotypes" by ELLE, Standard YouTube license

World Hijab Day

Use the links or videos below to learn more.

Source: "Muslim Women in New York Celebrate the Hijab" by Women's eNews, Standard YouTube license
Source: "World Hijab Day (Nazma Khan)" by Rad Talks, Standard YouTube license

Featured Books & eBooks

Click on any of the titles to be linked directly to the ebook or the print book's record in the catalog to learn more about any of these featured books.