NATRS 461 Wildlife Ecology

Land Acknowledgement

Green/Duwamish River Watershed Map (links to King Co watershed info)

Green River College (Auburn Main Campus) is situated upon the traditional lands of the Muckleshoot and Duwamish Tribes (Green River/Duwamish Watershed).

"We would like to acknowledge the Federally Recognized Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, the ancestral keepers of the land we are gathered on today. We thank them for their immense contributions to our state and local, history, culture, economy, and identity as Washingtonians."

(land acknowledgement from: We are Muckleshoot) If you would like, you can use the site below to look up the land you are on today:


Welcome to your NATRS 461 - Wildlife Ecology research guide.

Distribution of Myotis thysanodes in the United States

Geographical distribution of Myotis thysanodes according to Kays & Wilson, 2009.

Just in case: Federal Government Shutdown

error message that appeared on the website during the 2018 shutdown

(click on image to expand)

If there is a Government shutdown... is possible some federal websites may be partially or completely unavailable until government funding resumes. This makes researching more difficult! Here are some strategies you can use to "work around" resource closures in the case of a shutdown:

  • Use library databases (like: JSTOR, ProQuest. EBSCO, etc.)
  • Try the library's Primo One Search (we may have local access)
  • Look for similar STATE or LOCAL resources (like: white papers, publications by Washington State offices)
  • See if relevant NONPROFIT ORGS provide links (like: NatureServ)
  • Try Google Scholar (it will try to find you full text on the web)
  • Talk to a librarian! (We can't always find everything locked down during a federal shutdown, but we can help you locate alternatives!)