Use Business Insights Global to find industry and company information, including Company Profiles, SWOT Reports, Industry Analyses, Plunkett Reports, and more
To find research, you can:
Type in a company name and select from available reports and news.
(Click on image to enlarge it)
Search for information on economies, trade, companies, industries and more in ProQuest Business
Type in your search terms, or keywords, to find relevant information.
(click on image to enlarge)
Your search results list looks like this.
(click on image to enlarge)
Use Business Source Complete to find scholarship, professional literature, and company profiles.
Type in one or more key search terms that capture what you want to find info on.
Select Subjects at the top of the database and browse for relevant Subjects to browse - or Type a subject into the search bar.
In the illustration below, I used the thesaurus to find subjects connected to tariffs.
Click on Image to Enlarge