International Business

For students in BUS 181 & Danish exchange students

Find Trade, Economics, & other Business Info in Library Databases

How to Use Business Insights Global

Use Business Insights Global to find industry and company information, including Company Profiles, SWOT Reports, Industry Analyses, Plunkett Reports, and more

To find research, you can: 

Search by Keyword:

Type in a company name and select from available reports and news.

(Click on image to enlarge it)

Business insights global keyword search

Browse to find relevant industry and company information: 

Browse industry info in Bus. Ins. Global


How to Use ProQuest Business Collections

Search for information on economies, trade, companies, industries and more in ProQuest Business 

Type in your search terms, or keywords, to find relevant information. 

  • Be sure to limit to full-text articles if you need access immediately.
  • A search for information about the growth of Starbucks franchises might include Starbucks AND franchise AND growth as in the image below.
  • Set a date limit for current enough information. 

(click on image to enlarge)

search in business database

  • Try different search terms to get to the most relevant articles.
  • If you get too many titles, try adding another search term to narrow and focus your results.
  • You can limit by year of publication.
  • You can limit by full text (which means you will only get articles you can read in entirety).

How do you know which articles meet your needs?

Your search results list looks like this. 

  • Click on the title to find and read the abstract, or summary, to understand the key focus of the article or report. Is it what you are looking for?
  • Use the menu on the left to further focus your search for the right information.
  • My Starbucks franchise growth search yielded 10 articles, though not all look relevant. 
    • Try changing the search field to Subject to find the most relevant results.

(click on image to enlarge)

results in database


How to Use Business Source Complete

Use Business Source Complete to find scholarship, professional literature, and company profiles.

Search by Keyword

Type in one or more key search terms that capture what you want to find info on. 

  • Use AND to connect and focus your search.
  • Select Full Text to be able to read it immediately.
  • You may limit to Peer Review for scholarly source or keep scrolling down for other source type limiters.
  • To learn more about an article, click on the title. 
  • To open a title, click on HTML or PDF.

a search showing how to use the Boolean AND to combine keywords in Business Source databases

Browse or Search by Subject Term

Select Subjects at the top of the database and browse for relevant Subjects to browse - or Type a subject into the search bar.

In the illustration below, I used the thesaurus to find subjects connected to tariffs.

a search showing how use the SUBJECT filter to search the thesaurus


Search Marketline Company Reports
  1. Click on Company Profiles
  2. Type in a company name
  3. Open Report

Click on Image to Enlarge



Books in Holman Library