International Business

For students in BUS 181 & Danish exchange students

Country Resources in Holman Library


Click on the database link and select World Edition. You can search for information by typing in a country name or browse by continent.

Global Road Warrior

Search by country name, browse the list of countries, or mouse over a continent to start your search. (Click on image to enlarge)

Country pages open with an overview, including on business and trade. Find more info with the menu. (Click on image to enlarge)

Indonesia page - Global Road Warrior

GVRL - Gale Virtual Reference Library

Use the link above to search a collection of Business Encyclopedias for information on your country or other concept.

Use the Search Within filter on the right of the page to search by country, city, region, or other useful keyword. (click on image to enlarge)

GVRL Search within Business Collection

Use other search filters on that page to limit by document type, subject, and more.

You can also search GVRL for general country information.

Films on Demand

Search by country name OR click on the three bars for the drop down menu and browse Area Studies.

You may also search broader concepts, such as international business or international trade. (click on image to enlarge)

Films on Demand: Search or Area Studies

Holman Library One Search

Use the library One Search to look for useful books, videos, and articles from a range of popular, professional, and scholarly sources in One Search.

This is a sample search of Japan AND "business culture"

Japan AND "business culture"

Free Online Country Resources