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HIST 214 Pacific Northwest History (Norberg): Background Info

Why Use Background Info?

Why Use Background Info
in Reference Books?       

An overview of your broad topic area helps you understand...

  • what the key issues are and how you may want to refine your topic
  • who are the stakeholders (the groups or individuals this topic concerns)
  • a context of how your topic relates to the other issues that surround it
  • a historical perspective on your topic
  • specialized vocabulary or search words that are used in your field (you will use these words for searches later in your research process)

Reference Books in Holman Library

Hardcopy Reference Books

  • Use these reference books in the library or photocopy or scan the sections you need

Digital Reference Books

Digital Reference Books Online - highly recommended!

  1. CLICK the library database links below to access digital reference books and subject encyclopedias
  2. FIRST try a broad search on your topic, such as
    • ​​logging
    • lumber industry
  3. THEN try narrower searches such as
    • ​​logging environment
    • logging conservation
    • logging economy
    • logging disputes

Reading a Reference Article

Read and Highlight Key Concepts

  • First, find important words or concepts (see highlighted words in example below)
  • Then use those as search words to find other books, journals, videos and websites

GVRL Global Warming reference article