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eLearning Help

Frequently Asked Questions

What follows is a list of questions students who take eLearning Classes often have.

If you don't find your question answered here please email us.

If you have a question about class content (deadlines, assignment requirements, etc.), please contact your instructor (check your course syllabus or Class Finder if you don’t know your instructor’s name).

General Questions

Plan out your regular access to a computer (either on campus or using your own) and if you’re using your own computer, check that it meets the technical requirements for eLearning classes.

You'll want to gain access to your GRC email.  The login to Canvas functions on the same system as your email, so one will affect the other.  Many important announcements are sent to your college email, and your Canvas notifications default to using your college email address.  If you can’t access your college email inbox, talk with someone at the Holman Library Reference Desk or the Student IT Helpdesk as soon as possible.

Find out if your class is hybrid or fully online and where to go for the first day. Learn how on the Prepare to Take Classes page.

Once you're in Canvas, we have a pair of optional courses that may help you.

  • My GRC Backpack: an orientation course that helps you learn how to use Canvas and other online technologies used at the college.  All students should be enrolled in this course by default.  If you're not, please feel free to send us an email.
  • How to Be a Successful Student: a course that provides good habits and practices to be a successful student in online courses.  You can enroll in it here.

It's necessary to have your tuition paid by the payment deadlines or you may be dropped from the class.  When dropped, you'll be unable to access the class or receive credit. At the start of the quarter, there is a grace period where you will not be removed immediately from your Canvas class if payment is overdue, but you will not be able to complete your class without payment.

If you receive a message about tuition nonpayment, please contact the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible – even if you expect the tuition or fees to be paid by financial aid – so you can continue your progress in your classes.

Unlike online courses, students in hybrid courses attend regular classes in-person on campus, while some class work will be completed online. Hybrid courses have fewer on-campus class meetings than a fully in-person course.

For hybrid classes, students will typically attend the first class meeting in-person and the instructor will introduce you to the online learning systems you will be using in the class as well as when assignments—in person and online—will generally be due.

Check the Class Finder for the dates and location of your on-campus class meetings.

You will not need to come to campus for an “online” course. Instead, you will log on to Canvas or another online learning system to complete class work. It is important to log into your course regularly so you can make good progress.

Most GRC online courses use Canvas; if you do not know what system your course is using, you can email the class instructor.

To check if a class has required texts, note the Section letter(s) of the course and look up the class using the Paper Tree Bookstore’s online search. Click on Order Now and then look for the Textbooks link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Students can borrow some textbooks to use at Holman Library for short periods- search your class short name (ex: “ENGL 101”) or textbook title in the library catalog to see if your text is availableThe library guide about textbooks has more information about finding alternative sources for textbooks.

GRC students can download and install Microsoft Office free-of-charge as long as you are actively enrolled.

You can also access ‘web’ versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint after logging in to your GRC webmail by selecting the “Apps” menu:

Wireless internet connections can be unstable. Generally, it is probably OK to use a wireless connection to access course content or readings, but we strongly recommend not using wireless to take tests or quizzes - especially timed or restricted tests. Always use a wired connection if possible.

Instructors and students alike say that online courses take as much or more time than on-campus classes. For example, an on-campus 5 credit course is around 5 hours / week of meeting time with additional time needed to complete assignments. Make sure to give yourself enough time to complete your online coursework each week!

If you require accommodations, please contact Disability Support Services as soon as possible to determine eligibility and/or request accommodations and alternative formats. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.

All discussions will remain confidential. Accommodations are not provided retroactively and generally instructors will only provide accommodations approved by Disability Support Services, so it is essential to contact their office and discuss your needs as soon as possible at the beginning of the quarter.

Green River College is committed to creating a positive, accessible environment for its students, employees, and visitors and is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Learn more about accessibility.

Classes with an online component require the use of good online behavior, especially in discussions. Here are four tips:

  • It is typically a good idea to address the person you are responding to by name. This will make your online discussion more personal.
  • Choose words with care since you do not have the ability to gauge a person's reaction or feelings online when you post. Humor and sarcasm should always be used very carefully and, where needed, labeled as such..
  • It is OK to disagree with someone in a discussion if you give good reasons or evidence for doing so and address them respectfully. Your response should never attack someone personally..
  • Identify your sources if you use quotes, references, or resources. Your work must always be distinctively your own, and outside sources should be clearly cited or linked.

Canvas Questions

Green River Canvas Canvas courses will generally be available after noon (12 pm) the first day of the quarter. If it is after noon on the first day and you have confirmed you are registered, you can email the class instructor to ask when it will be published. The Canvas class might have a different opening date: for example, some hybrid classes wait to open until after the first in-person class meeting.

Sometimes Canvas does not show all your active classes on the Dashboard (the first screen you see when you log in). You can add your course manually:

  • Click on the Courses option in the left main menu and then select the “All Courses” link on the next page.
  • Click on the star in front of your class to add the class to your Dashboard (the star icon will turn yellow).
  • Check to make sure the icon is filled in/yellow before you leave this page. Clicking on the star icon again will remove the class from the Dashboard (the icon will be blank).

First, you'll want to talk to your instructor to notify them about your status in the course.  Once you've done that, you will want to contact the Office of the Registrar or your advisor to get re-enrolled.

Once you are re-enrolled in ctcLink, you will be re-added to the course in Canvas.  All previous assignment submissions will still be there.

Please note that re-enrollment in your course in Canvas is not immediate.  It may take up to 24 hours from when your are officially re-enrolled in the course in ctcLink for you to be added back to the course in Canvas.  If you still cannot find your course after 24 hours, please contact the Student IT Helpdesk.

Yes, you can change your name in Canvas.  Your name in Canvas is tied to your ctcLink account, and any change there will make the same change in Canvas within 24 hours.  If this is a legal name change, you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar.  If this is a change to your preferred name, you can do this yourself in ctcLink; instructions can be found on the Preferred Name guide.  Please keep in mind that making any change to your legal or preferred name will change your email address to match.

In Canvas, click on Account on the left, then click on Settings.

In your account settings screen, find the Edit Settings button and click on it.

Find the Pronouns dropdown in the middle section. Choose your pronouns from the list and click Update Settings.

First, please double-check that you are using the correct log in username and password for the login page.  Your Canvas username is your full Green River email address (example: If you don't know your email you can look up your GRC email address online.  The password will be the same as what is used to log into your email address.

Have you recently updated your preferred name in ctcLink?  If so, you will need to look up your new college email address.  If you still cannot log in, please contact the Student IT Helpdesk.

Try logging into your college email account.  If you can log into that, next try logging into Canvas.

Your Canvas password is the same as the password you would use for your college email account. You can change your password at any time by going to the GRC password reset page. If you cannot log in, ensure you can access your email account.  If you cannot, contact the IT Student Helpdesk by phone at 253-931-6465 and in their Zoom drop-in session.

Canvas has an app available for iOS and AndroidBe aware – not all class settings may work in the Canvas app! It is recommended that you have access to a computer with a browser in addition to a mobile device, and that all quizzes and tests are taken on a computer.  If a course uses a service that is connected to Canvas, such as Panopto videos or McGraw-Hill's course materials, they may not work in the Canvas app. Please try using a web browser when using these materials.

There are a couple reason for this.  It could have been an automation error or an enrollment error.  Confirm your enrollment in the course in ctcLink.  If the course in ctcLink is correct but the course in Canvas is not, email eLearning with your ctcLink ID#, your college email address, and with a detailed explanation of your problem.  If the enrollments are incorrect in ctcLink, you will want to contact Enrollment Services to have it corrected.

Is there an "- X -" in the course name, or multiple course numbers, such as in the case of "MATH62/70/72/97 - X - OL"?  If so, this is a combined course, where the section you are enrolled in is one of the sections added to the Canvas Course.  If you have questions, you can confirm the combined course by looking it up in Class Finder, or by contacting your instructor

Canvas works on Mac computers.  We recommend using the latest version Chrome or Firefox when accessing Canvas due to display issues with Safari.

If you are running any pop-up blocking software, it must be turned off in order for some Canvas features like online testing to work. If you are not sure where to look, you can contact Canvas Student Help by chat or phone for support.  In Canvas, click on the Help option on the left side bar, then choose the option that works for you: Canvas Support Chat, Report a Canvas Problem to send an email, or by phone: (425) 429-2005.

You'll want to go to the Grade screen in your Canvas class. You can change grades that haven't been posted yet by clicking on the score and typing in a number. Finally, turn off the "Calculate based only on graded assignments" option. You can find a full guide on the Canvas Community site.

Assessment, Testing, and Respondus Lockdown Browser

The instructions for using Repondus Lockdown Browser on your own computer or in an open computer lab on campus can help you get started. Once installed, open the lockdown browser from your computer or desktop and log in to Canvas from there to take your test.

If your test requires “lockdown browser with monitoring, see “How do I take an online test that requires ‘monitoring’?”.

If you have trouble downloading Respondus Lockdown Browser to your computer or cannot open your test once the Lockdown Browser is installed, please contact the e-Learning Office.

In order to take an online “monitored” test, you will need: 

  • A computer with Repondus Lockdown Browser installed
  • A webcam.  If you have your own computer with the lockdown browser and need a camera, you can borrow a webcam (1-day checkout) from Holman Library.  Monitored online tests cannot be taken in GRC’s open computer labs. Lab computers do not have webcams. If you do not have access to your own computer and need to take a monitored online test, please contact your instructor—they may be able to set up an alternative arrangement or proctored testing.

The Assessment & Testing Center class testing is by appointment only, and your instructor will need to contact the center to make an appointment for a class testing time. If you are not able to take your class quiz or test, contact your instructor as soon as possible.

If the test is in Canvas or Respondus Lockdown Browser (without monitoring), you can use a computer in the campus open computer labs in Holman Library, Kent, or the Technology Center to take it. Check availability on GRC’s Hours of Operation page.

Resolving Complaints and Issues

I have an issue with my course, another student, or my instructor. What do I do?
Complaints Related to Instruction, including grade disputes:

eLearning students follow the Instruction Student Complaint Process process to resolve Instruction-related complaints. The first step will ask you to contact your instructor—if you are not sure how to contact them, here are some steps to try:

  • Start with your course syllabus – it should list your instructor’s name and how to best contact them.
  • If you don’t have your syllabus, or you can’t locate a preferred contact method, you can use your course’s Canvas Inbox to send your instructor an email.
  • You can also find your instructor’s GRC email address and phone in the Campus Directory.
  • If you don’t know your instructor’s name and you don’t have your syllabus, you can use the Class Finder to look up your class and the instructors last name will often be listed. From there, you can use the last name to look up their contact information in the Campus Directory.
  • If your instructor is not listed in the Campus Directory, you can contact the Holman Library Refence Desk or the Division Chair for help locating the instructor’s contact information.

Complaints Related to Discrimination, Harassment, or Assault:

Green River College is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and educational opportunity. No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, or access to and participation in, programs, services, and activities with regard to race, creed, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, disability, genetic information or any other unlawful basis.

Harassment of an individual or group on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, disability, genetic information or any other unlawful basis has no place in a learning or work environment and is prohibited. Sexual violence has no place in a learning or work environment. Further, Green River College is committed to preventing and stopping discrimination, including harassment of any kind and any associated retaliatory behavior.

If you believe a policy violation has occurred, you can file a report with the college by contacting the Title IX Coordinator for students.

What follows is a list of questions faculty using eLearning tools often have.

If you don't find your question answered here please email us.

If you have a question about class enrollment, rosters, or ctcLink, contact the registrar's office.

General Questions

Canvas Questions

Email with the course item number or name, the email of the person to add, and the role they should have.

If it's not a live enrollment coming from ctcLink, email with the course item number or name and the email of the person to remove. For live enrollments in ctcLink, you'll need to ask the registrar's office to drop a student.

Sometimes Canvas does not show all your active classes on the Dashboard (the first screen you see when you log in) because you have so many classes listed. You can make sure the courses you want are listed on your dashboard by:

  • Click on the Courses option in the left main menu and then select the “All Courses” link on the next page.
  • Click on the star in front of your class to add the class to your Dashboard (the star icon will turn yellow).
  • Check to make sure the icon is filled in/yellow before you leave this page. Clicking on the star icon again will remove the class from the Dashboard (the icon will be blank).

Email and include the course item number, student and their email, and the extended end date negotiated by yourself and the student.

Canvas works on Mac computers.  We recommend using the latest version Chrome or Firefox when accessing Canvas due to display issues with Safari.

Four weeks before the end of the current term AND you've been assigned in ctcLink to teach them. Summer and Fall courses appear together four weeks before the end of Spring term.

When the following criteria are met:

  • Students are enrolled
  • Course is published
  • It is 12:01am or later on the first day of class OR you've set the course dates to course and set it to when students should be able to access

You can search the Canvas help guides for instructions and screenshots of many features. Direct help with Canvas is also available by online chat or phone: (425) 429-2005.

Assessment, Testing, and Respondus Lockdown Browser


The instructions for using Repondus Lockdown Browser on your own computer or in an open computer lab on campus can help you get started. Once installed, open the lockdown browser from your computer or desktop and log in to Canvas from there to take your test.

If your test requires “lockdown browser with monitoring, see “How do I take an online test that requires ‘monitoring’?”.

If you have trouble downloading Respondus Lockdown Browser to your computer or cannot open your test once the Lockdown Browser is installed, please contact the e-Learning Office.


