Search in library databases to find scholarly articles. This is the same tool you used to find magazine and newspaper articles.
Limit to peer-reviewed or scholarly journal articles to find scholarly sources. By the way, be sure to still assess if it's a scholarly article. (For example, scholarly journals contain book reviews of scholarly texts. These are not scholarly articles.)
To find the most relevant articles, you will need to consider many more. Try multiple keywords and search different databases.
Type in relevant keywords to find useful sources. Try a range of words!
(click on image to enlarge)
Sample Source: "Navigating a Third Space to Support International Students in the U.S."
Scholarly literature advances our knowledge in a field of study.
AND narrows and focuses your search - you get fewer results
"medical care" AND teen* find information on medical care specific to teens
TRUNCATION *: Use an asterisk with the root of a search term to find multiple forms of the word.
Teen* = teen, teenaged, teenagers
OR broadens your search - you get more results
(teens OR youth) searches for both words
NOT omits results
this can be useful for excluding irrelevant results