Linked below are library databases that are useful for finding biographical information on authors.
Type in an author's name. If appropriate, then limit to biography.
The images below illustrate searches for information on the author John Green in the databases Biography in Context and
Here are the search results in the database Biography in Context, showing the search results for YA author, John Green.
(click on image to enlarge)
This database can be great to find biographical info, as well as interviews, topic overviews, reviews, and criticism. As shown below, the search for author John Green.
(click on image to enlarge)
Read authors' ideas in their own words.
Be sure to limit by document type, such as Interviews, or try adding Interview as a search term along with the author's name.
The image below shows a search for an interview with author Malinda Lo in ProQuest.
The links below are just a few well-known websites for finding reviews and interviews.
Use the links below to access some select author interviews in online articles or and videos.
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The databases linked in the next tab are great sources to find background info. As highlighted in the images below, you can see the different option in the results each database yields.
Here are the search results in the database Biography in Context, showing the search results for YA author, John Green.
(click on image to enlarge)
This database can be great to find biographical info, as well as interviews, topic overviews, reviews, and criticism. As shown below, the search for author John Green.
(click on image to enlarge)