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ELL - English Language Learning: Library Research

Finding Books and Videos in the Library

Searching the Library's Collection

  1. Search the Library Catalog (search box below) for Books and Videos. 
    The library has over 55,000 items for you to explore!

Holman Library logo

  1.  Your search may find many books or videos.  Remember to click "Next" at the bottom of the page to see more results


map of the second floor of the library, highlighting the basic skills collection






  • The library has a special area for ESOL books.  It is called the Basic Skills Collection. 

  • This collection is on the second floor of the library in the very back (the north end of the library).


  • This collection has many books to help you learn English, including books on grammar, pronunciation and reading.






ESOL Class Guides

Research about Countries

Research about Holidays