Tutors are people who will give you extra help outside your class. Click on one of the Tutoring Centers below to find when and where you can meet a tutor:
Need to give a speech or make a presentation in front of class? The GRC Public Speaking Center offers one-on-one help with interviewing, presentation style, delivery technique, organization of your speech and your own confidence level.
Tutors are scheduled during the weekdays to provide one-on-one tutoring assistance. The TRC is located on the 2nd floor of Holman Library. *Offers tutoring in all subjects except for math.
Whether you have a question about grammar and usage or need help brainstorming ideas or focusing in essays - faculty and student tutors are there to help.
Tutoring assistance, math videos, computers, textbooks, and other learning resources are available free of charge to support students in their math studies to achieve success in their classes.