HIST 220 African American History

Before You Search

BEFORE YOU SEARCH, make sure you know:

Advanced Google Searching

Advanced Google Searching

Use Google Advanced Search for power searching on the general web

  • Note your ability to limit to one particular domain (.gov, .edu, .org):

(Click on image to enlarge)

Image of Google Advanced Search page

Search Tip - Institutional Digital Repositories

To find scholarship in institutional digital repositories (where universities "deposit" scholarship from faculty, grad students and others) try this method:

1. In Google, FIRT type your search 
Example: african american military women
Example: hip hop art feminist

2. Next, copy this exact search string and paste it on the same line as your search:

(digital commons OR scholarworks OR scholarship OR escholarship OR repository)

Example: african american military women (digital commons OR scholarworks OR scholarship OR repository)

Example: hip hop art feminist (digital commons OR scholarworks OR scholarship OR repository)


Note: this method is not perfect, but it might get you closer to scholarship and deeper analysis on your topic