HIST 220 African American History

Before You Search

BEFORE YOU SEARCH, make sure you know:

Advanced Google Searching

Advanced Google Searching

Use Google Advanced Search for power searching on the general web

  • Note your ability to limit to one particular domain (.gov, .edu, .org):

(Click on image to enlarge)

Image of Google Advanced Search page

Institutional Digital Repositories

To find scholarship in institutional digital repositories (where universities "deposit" scholarship from faculty, grad students and others) try this method:

1. In Google, FIRT type your search 
Example: african american military women
Example: hip hop art feminist

2. Next, copy this exact search string and paste it on the same line as your search:

(digital commons OR scholarworks OR scholarship OR escholarship OR repository)

Example: african american military women (digital commons OR scholarworks OR scholarship OR repository)

Example: hip hop art feminist (digital commons OR scholarworks OR scholarship OR repository)


Note: this method is not perfect, but it might get you closer to scholarship and deeper analysis on your topic