HIST 220 African American History

Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month Resources

Celebrating Black History Month

February was declared Black History Month in 1976 to honor the accomplishments and history of African Americans. Linked below are some resources about the history of the month and the history of blacks in the United States.

Source: "The History of Black History Month by Stanford, is licensed under a Standard YouTube License.

African American/Black American Biographies

How To BROWSE Gale Biography in Context:

FIRST, Click on the link below:



  • In the Ethnicity drop-down box, choose African-American and then click Search


  • First, in the Ethnicity drop-down box, choose African-American
  • Then, in the Occupation drop-down box, type an occupation (example: politician)
  • Finally, click Search

Celebrating Black History Month

Organizations & Online Collections

Celebrating Black History Month

Featured Videos

Celebrate the Month by learning about some significant people and events in Black US History.

Google Arts & Culture Collections

Linked below you will find more info on this interactive collection of resources - including images, primary source documents, and links to other online collections, such as virtual museum tours, videos, and more.

Source: "Celebrating Black History and Culture with Google Arts & Culture" by Google Arts & Culture, is licensed under a Standard YouTube License.

Celebrating Black History Month

Featured Podcasts

Celebrate the Month with a Podcast

Linked below are some great podcasts that can help you learn more and be entertained.

Can you suggest a podcast?

Is there a podcast you listen to that talks about issues specifically facing African Americans, either in US History (such as 1619, listed above) or in modern times (such as Code Switch, listed above)? Please let us know! We're always hoping to share good resources! Click on the "Get Help" tab of this guide and shoot a quick email!