Where Should I Go?

Choosing the best place to search is always a challenge! 

To be honest, there actually isn't one, single, best place. When you do research, you will want to search several different places.

  • Sometimes you will find a lot of great (and credible) information in a general Internet search engine such as Google.
  • Other times you will find the best information in a database that the library pays for (and you have access to).
  • Then there are times when you need to search both the general Internet and a paid database!

The key thing is knowing what you are searching, and being strategic in where you are searching.

Try this:

  • List out the words or phrases you want to search first.
  • Then, go to several different places - such as Google, the Holman Library One Search, and one article database. 
  • Search those same words in all three places.
  • Compare what you find!

Holman Library One Search

Holman Library logo

Use Holman Library One Search to:
  • Search for books, articles, audiovisual, and more in Holman Library
  • Get an overview of information on a subject
  • Track down citations

Use filters on the left to limit by specific source type, date range, and more.

Library Databases

Reference article databases

General Article Databases

Newspapers & Magazines

Special Interest



General Internet Search with Google

Google Web Search

Using Google

When should you use Google? 

Google can be a great starting place, but learning how to use some of the advanced search techniques can help you to quickly find what you need.

Here are some general tips:
  • Search using keywords or short phrases, not sentences!

Eliminate any words that are not needed. Think of just the main words or concepts you'd like to find on any given webpage and search those. 

  • Limit to the domain

Government agencies are responsible for collecting and presenting data. Additionally, educational websites can be useful for finding information that may have undergone additional editing, or likewise, you may be able to local scholarly article that have been uploaded on them.

  • Use phrase searching when relevant.

That is, wrap relevant phrases in quotation marks to keep the words together as a single term, rather than as individual search words. For example, Google reads the phrase search of "medical marijuana" as a term while simply, typing in medical marijuana without the quotation marks will ask Google to search those terms individually. This can be helpful to use when looking for exact titles, or names of authors. 

  • Search for statistics

Current statistics are often best found on government websites rather than in older articles accessed through databases. Trying to search for these online, adding the word statistics to your search, can be helpful. 

  • Most importantly, evaluate your sources!

Look for articles from reputable sources that cite their sources, list their authors (either corporate ones or individuals), and provide evidence that the information they present has been researched.