Faculty Support

Information Literacy Resources

Tutorials & Research Guides

Video Tutorials to help students
  • strategize and start a research project
  • find information
  • assess the quality of their sources
  • give credit, and more... 
How Do I? Guides for step by step research support
  • citations
  • finding info by source type - scholarly journals, books, video...etc.
  • research basics - source evaluation, researching an argument, primary sources, statistics...and more!

Evaluating Resources

It's easy to find information, but is it reliable information? Is it appropriate for your purposes?

Copy one of our Evaluating Information checklists for use in your class.

  • The CRAAP test asks: Does that information belong in your academic project or is it ... CRAAP? Evaluation criteria are: Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.
  • ASPECT is part of the IRIS information suite created by Clark College. It stands for: Evaluating Information: Examine every A.S.P.E.C.T.: Authority, Sources, Purpose, Evenness of Coverage, and Timeliness.
  • ABC-R is a pared down evaluation checklist that asks: It was easy to find, but is it the right info? Assess: Authority, Bias, Currency, and Relevance.

Plagiarism & Academic Honesty

The Academic Honesty for Students research guide provides students with a working definition of academic honesty and plagiarism; introduces citations; addresses what students don’t need to cite, unintentional plagiarism, paraphrasing, good work habits, group work, and consequences of academic dishonesty; and directs students to library and online resources and tutorials on citing sources, plagiarism, copyright and fair use, and writing skills. There is also a tab with links to help from a librarian.


The Citations Research guides provides students info on
  • APA & MLA Style Citations
    • in-text citations
    • References/Works Cited examples
      • books, videos, scholarly journals, websites, images, verbal/speech citations and much, much more...
    • formatted paper examples
    • synthesizing sources
    • NoodleTools Citation Generator
  • Other Citation Styles (Chicago, Harvard, Bluebook Legal and many more...)
  • Citation Workshops offered by the library

Citation Handouts

Online NoodleTools Tutorial

If you would like to offer your students an online version of our introduction to citations and using the NoodleTools citation management tool, it is available as a self-paced Canvas course. Just add a link to the workshop in your class-no special enrollment needed. 

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