Use GRC's 'Class Search' and filter 'Course Attributes' for 'OER' to find classes with no textbook or material costs!
Use GRC's 'Class Search' and filter 'Course Attributes' for 'Low-Cost Textbooks' to find classes with textbook costs of $50 or less!
Use free online resources to help you study for classes or subjects! Browse the different OER library guides to find the resources you need.
Holman Library is open regular hours during the quarter.
Librarians are also available virtually to assist you by email, phone, and chat. See options below:
Contact a librarian during the library's open hours @ (253) 931-6480
Ask a Librarian - Chat with a librarian right now.
Submit a Question - Chat librarians are offline, but you can send us your question and we will reply within one business day.
Email a librarian with a reference question at This is an alternative to chat/IM if you want help specifically from a Green River College librarian. This is not an immediate option as emails will be only answered during normal business hours.
Meet with a GRC librarian for 30 or 60 minutes. Schedule an appointment 24 hours in advance.
Click to see appointment availability (you can filter by "virtual" or "in-person" in the left-hand column)