Research Guide: Scholarly Journals

Use this guide to learn more about scholarly journals and the peer-review process

Requesting Articles from Other Libraries

Requesting Articles GRC Does Not Have in Full Text

Library Databases contains many journal, magazine and newspaper articles in full-text format.

However, if you encounter an article that is not available in full-text in either library databases or internet searches, you can request it for free through the Interlibrary Loan service.  GRC staff will attempt to get a copy of the article from another library and email it to you.

Requesting Articles with InterLibrary Loan

Making a Request

Use the link below to get to the Interlibrary Loan page where you can fill out a form with required information about the source you're trying to request. See the images below to learn more about the steps to make a request.

Requesting an Interlibrary Loan:
  1. Click on the link above and select "Interlibrary Loan Request Form"
  2. Fill out the answers on the form (fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required fields
  1. If you are requesting an article format:
    • Use the information you find on the article's abstract or citation page to fill out the Interlibrary Loan request form:

(click on image to enlarge)

image showing how to request an ILL article ILL. Shows how to fill in info about the source in the form
  1. Finish filling out the Interlibrary Loan form, click the "Submit button at the bottom. When your item arrives, the library will contact you:
  • A digital article will be emailed as an attachment to your email. 
  • A book or other physical item will be held for you at the Holman Library's Circulation Desk. You will receive an email notifying you it has arrived and is ready for you to pick up.  

About Interlibrary Loan Requests

You can have articles or books sent to you from other libraries by using an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request.

  • Most articles requested by ILL come as a digital copy, and you'll receive the article as an attachment in an email.
  • If the item is difficult to locate or an item that needs to be mailed (like a book), the request can take longer-- usually 1-2 weeks.

Make sure to give yourself enough time for the item to arrive before your assignment is due.