ENGL 101 English Composition 1 (Theme: Mental Health)

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Explore Ideas in a Current Issues Database

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

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Explore Ideas in Current News & Cultural Analysis

Browse Podcasts, Ted Talks, and more - and/or Search in News Media

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Local News Reporting
Explore Ideas in Holman Library Databases
  • limit to newspapers and magazines
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Browse for Ideas in Academic Encyclopedias

Example: Starting Keyword - Anxiety
  • Explore encyclopedia titles for disciplinary approaches
  • Explore subjects for some focus ideas
  • Explore titles for ideas

GVRL: anxiety

As I scroll through just some of the nearly 5000 articles my starting keyword ANXIETY returned, as well as some of the subjects, I get ideas for ways I could focus my research. I could for example, look at anxiety and trauma, anxiety and gender, anxiety and young men, etc.